Aline Mary fonseca

Startups: The Innovation Puzzle

From the pitch to product

Aline Mary
3 min readOct 15, 2013


A good pitch is a good question that needs to be answered, a challenge that needs a new solution. Answering it in an innovative way it is hard but not impossible.

Imagine a 1000 pieces puzzle.

When you buy a puzzle, you already have the answer. The package comes with a picture and basically you follow the instructions. If you get lost, you take a look at the picture.

At a Startup, the team has to envision the big picture to build a product. And as they start to assemble it, depending on the pieces they choose, the color of the pieces changes and it forms a totally different picture. So to have a direction is very important. The pitch is the frame, it is the startup's reference. It contains the questions that need to be answered. The Product Manager is the cross functional team player in charge to maintain the picture in the frame.

When it comes to innovation, there is no right answer, you have to create it. That’s why business schools don’t give you formulas — they always use case studies.

“Let’s find out how 3M invented a paper with glue”

By the way I’m addicted to post-its.

“Let’s find out why Blackberry didn’t predict the iPhone.”

You can’t predict innovation.

“Let’s find out why Microsoft failed on its tablet strategy and Apple succeeded.”

Some people take it out of the context and say: “It is because Microsoft used a stylus — a finger is more natural, etc…” Actually, in 2000 (year that Microsoft launched the tablet), I was working in Brazil at an ISP, trying to convince people that was really important for them to have Internet at home. So, who would buy a tablet in 2000? Someone who needed Microsoft Office on the go: “Hey! I need to input some numbers in this spreadsheet now!”

In 2010, the internet were around the corner with wifi everywhere and reliable cell phone connection — thus, the iPad was a success.

A product or service is a combination between business strategy and market opportunity, but innovation has to have a human centered approach. It has to be connected to our needs.

Empathy is the big secret:

  1. Try to answer the pitch with different perspectives.
  2. Seek outside for honest feedback and not validation.
  3. Innovation is a team sport, so engage others to collaborate.
  4. Prototype before starting building it.
  5. Do not forget to think how your product or service can do social good and improve people's lives. Technology and knowledge are tools to promote sustainable development and address global challenges.

There is a saying that says:

The longest road you will ever have to walk in your life is the journey from your mind to your heart.

For Startups, I would say:

The journey is from a good pitch to an innovative product or service.

But in the end, the road is the same:

Whatever you are trying to build: Do with your heart!

