The Architect: A screenshot From The Matrix

How to Engineer your Startup

A collection of learning material for starting your own web startup. [Will be updated biweekly]

James McNab
2 min readJul 1, 2013


I’m currently taking part in Stanford’s Startup Engineering class through Coursera. I figured not everyone would have the time to follow along with the course, but that others could benefit from some of the course resources. I’ll be updating this post often over the next few weeks. Hopefully learning from these resources will encourage you or someone you know to go and start their own web project or startup.

Week 1: Course Materials

Course Logistics

What is a Startup?

Week 4: Background Reading

Deployment and DNS

Git Branching: 1,2,3

Dev/staging/production: concepts and managing dev/staging/production with git branches

Videos on the Domain Name System (DNS): 1,2


Bootstrap Documentation

Mobile is Eating the World

Internet Trends

Responsive Design and the concept of Media Queries

Responsive Design Examples



James McNab

Design @ forethought. Formerly @ thistle. Side project Former lead UX Instructor @RedAcademy Toronto. OCAD Alum.