Gorilla Marketing at a SDG Conference

My name is Boone I am the founder of WTIM.co, and am part of an experimental incubator that gives startups and entrepreneurs funding in exchange for testing and sharing the results of their lean startup hypotheses.

Flyer Front

I THOUGHT that if brought 77 printed flyers to the Achieving The SDGs Conference in Portland Oregon that 14 attendees enthusiastic about sustainable development would sign-up to become ether a Voter, Member, or Partner of WTIM.co by NOV 30th.

Flyer back

I handed out the flyers as people left the closing plenary hoping the gorilla marketing tactic would increase interest in the flyer and conversion rate.

ACTUALLY the whole hypothesis was a fail. Not only did no one become a Voter, Member, or Partner, but only 2 people visited WTIM.co during the testing period. And one of those visit was from someone in the GPSEN Think Tank I am part of unrelated to the experiment.

So the flyers only generated 1 visit from Nov 17th to the 30th. I was surprised so few people visited WTIM.co, since I had several people after I hand them the flyer stop and talk to me about what it was about, and most of them showed interest and thought the business model was a cool idea.

My next experiment will be to create a video about trends in corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate philanthropy, and the amount of money spent on advertising. With a call to action for people to join WTIM.co who think businesses should do more to make a difference in our communities.

Thanks for reading :) please join WTIM!

