
The one thing that cripples you

Mike Mahony


I have worked diligently the past year to avoid stress in every way possible, but it still creeps into my life from time to time. Money stresses me out. Family stresses me out. The divorce I am going through stresses me out. It is just one of those things in life that you could do without but for some reason it is ever present.

Stress has taught me many things about myself. If I ignore it I get a big smack in the gut. Stress will not be ignored for long. It manages to get your attention one way or another. When I try to ignore stress it manifests itself by making me sick, giving me a painful back, etc.

I have learned that regular weight training is the key to keeping stress at bay. I have also learned not to over think things. The reality is that thinking is good, but always remind yourself that these are just your thoughts. We have a tendency to believe that what we are thinking is going to be what happens and that is rarely the case.

Stress can and will kill you if you are not careful. Always remember this as you go through your life. Take measures to lessen the stress you experience. Do not ignore it.



Mike Mahony

I am a 30-year technology professional currently serving as the Chief Web Scientist for The Web Scientists, a progressive technology services organization.