
Hacking an App Together In a Night

From conception to submission before bedtime.

Rory McMeekin
1 min readAug 21, 2013


It’s 10 pm in London; a friend and I were recently inspired by Stuart Hall’s 7 Minute Workout app success story. It details how Stuart admirably spent just one evening (5 hours, plus a bit) of development and submission time, and made a pretty impressive app as a result!

We have decided to attempt the same feat, by jumping on the fitness trend, albeit with a bit of a twist, in order to come up with our own app formula: the 7 Minute Yoga Workout! Naysayers may accuse us of ‘copying’; however, we believe that our app will not detract from Stuart’s whatsoever, as it provides users with meditation/health, and not fitness, exercises.

We’re just starting out, and are aiming for a submission of 3 am.

Updates to follow.

