Thanksgiving 2013

Networking at Family Events

It makes sense for your business

Maria Elena Duron
2 min readDec 1, 2013


Often we work hard to separate business and family time. We have been all sold the notion that to have good balance in your life you need to separate the two and keep them at equal proportions to be a well rounded individual.


While I do believe as Franklin-Covey teaches, that we have different roles we play in our lives, I agree, too, that we have one life. There’s only one you, and you are not siloed into different parts that work autonomous of each other.

At family events, networking is not about “selling your wares” to your family.

Net “working” is about listening to what matters most to people, to what they value and to what are their biggest challenges.

It’s also a great time to practice your answer to the question — “what do you do?” Remember, the ideal answer takes less than 60 seconds to share how you benefit people and the people you benefit the most and then turn the conversation back to the person who asked to find out more about them and what they do.

Often in families we have no clue what our family members really even do. You never know who someone is, who they’ll become or who they influence unless you listen.



Maria Elena Duron

Marketing Coach (w/ @TeamKLI) |Founder #brandchat | Speaker,Predictive Networking |Editor,Personal Branding Blog