Living In My Own Time Zone

Today I have had great discussion with Paul in PressPad HQ about living in own, artificial, time zone. It seems that we stumbled upon this idea almost at the same time — I, in the morning while I saw rear lights of my train, which started her journey a minute before it should, without me on board.

Wojciech Szywalski


Everything surrounding us — including time — has its own meaning and value defined by us, at least by our conscious brain.

5 minutes ahead of you

As a term “productivity” sucks but I like to be productive at work, living conscious and quality life, so I have decided to create my own timezone. This is pure experiment and I am going to start shifting clock 5 minutes ahead, every week till end of this year.

The goal is to stop being in constant rush and:

  • Woke up earlier — totally rested
  • Do more — smiling
  • Play more with my kid — consciously

The Next Day

I did it. Yesterday I pulled forward my clock +5 minutes ahead and woke up fresher and totally rested (now I think I used to oversleep last sleep cycle). Moreover I managed breakfast for everyone at home, including preparing kindergarten “bento-box” for my little ninja ;) — yes, I am the cooking guy and I love it!

— No more “hurry up!” ?

Probably yes. I hope it’s gonna work tomorrow as well.

I learned today that small changes make a big difference, and It seems that we indeed live in a nonlinear world.

Now, I am thinking how to incorporate this technique at PressPad. We operate in various time zones from the beginning but since we have stopped charging flat fee for magazine apps from publishers we are experiencing rapid growth.

Handling high quality customer support or even answering, instantly, for Tweets and mentions can become a real challenge… hmm probably we’ll experiment, changing something just a little bit in a feedback loop.

Feb 18th, 2014 Update:

Some folks on Reddit pointed out that I must be a nuts doing this.

Thank you! ☺

So here is current situation. I still live in my own time zone which is +10minutes ahead of others. It perfectly works for me and I am not going to abandon this habit, so far.

Why 10minutes?

It’s extra 600 seconds! And its easy to adjust to standard timetables (i.e. flights etc.) I am wondering have you ever tried to live in your own timezone?

Thank you for reading. It will mean a lot to me if you press “Recommend” button and — if possible — share it within your circle of friends.

~ Wojciech Szywalski / @wojteksz

