More & More eMails are morphing to < 200 chars canvas

This new canvas just understands @ & #, no more formal boxes

Harpreet Singh


eMail is still multi-textbox editor & enforcing users to type To, CC, Subject, Salution, Message & Signature. People are tired of such enforcements, they want simplicity, where they can express with minimum constrains. Here comes the new <200 chars canvas with new age tools - Social Communication

Email vs Social communication

Instead of using full fledge email editor, social tools allows one to type similar message in a single canvas text box. Lets see how these components of email are “morphing” into Social Communication

“To” & “CC” from email are replaced with just @PersonName or “Via @SecondPerson”

No Separate “To” or “CC”,

There is no formal “Dear”, “Hi”, its just directly name(ID) of the person @PersonName.

Focus is Simple Message instead of formal lengthy text mails.

No Formal messages, Just Simple Message

No formal subject line, instead ‘#’ char prefix indicates #topic of discussion (e.g. #budget in following example)

Simply using # hashtag for topic within the message

eMail replies from multiple people with “Yes” or “ Yes we can meet” are simply communicated instead using “Like” .

Some general mails(status or info) as “I am not coming tomorrow” is just a status messages or Tweets to your followers.

Status message

Email forward “Fwd:” are replaced “RT” or “Share

Really loooooong email messages are non productive. Where as Social Communication tools use canvas with limited characters & no formal enforcement, keeps the message simple & concise.

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Harpreet Singh

Love Design | Technology | Art | Souls in Tweets | Doodling |