Learn How to Start your own pig farm through pig classes online

Starting your own swine farm business is possible if you follow the advice coming from experts. Also, try gaining more knowldge through distance education

Jose Phillips
2 min readNov 20, 2013

The pig industry is quite a lucrative business to take up. From a breeder’s viewpoint, pigs are quite straightforward to farm as they relatively cheap to feed and their maintenance is easy. For consumers, pig’s meat has become well accepted as an alternative to poultry and beef. Despite earlier misgivings about eating pork meat, it is heralded today as the other white meat. That if eaten in moderation is actually healthier than red meat.

Professional pig farmers offer novices, such as you, a couple of tips to keep in mind before diving knee deep into the piggery business. Their first advice is to start small but to still dream big. Though it may be tempting to drop all of your hard earned cash into the business straight away, it is best to be prudent. Like any business, start out small to test the waters and slowly build up stock as it grows. Rather than lose everything you have in a single blow.

The second advice given by swine management experts is to make sure and choose the right breed. Choosing the right breed will assure you that your pig farm will be able to turn a profit. In Australia, there are different types of breeds available. The large white, Yorkshire, and landrace are examples of the white breeds. Colored breeds include the large black, Duroc, Berkshire, and the Hampshire.

Choosing the right breed can help increase the profitability of your stock when it comes time to market.To venture into the pig husbandry, it is best to gather reliable information. The internet is a good source of information provided you know how to use it well. Fortunately, you can check out the pig course offered by reputable distance education providers. Designed by experts of pig management in Australia, the program provides instruction on how to select breeds, proper nutrition, and an understanding of the diseases known to afflict pigs in captivity.

The pig course online is both a worthwhile and time-effective activity that can teach you the ropes of how to set up your own commercial pig farm. You can sign up for the online course and access the lessons anywhere you may be and at any time, provided you have access to the Internet. Moreover, today’s distance education providers offer email interaction with the competent tutor assigned to the course offering. The communication can help enhance your learning experience as you have the opportunity to ask questions and get credible response in twenty-four hours.



Jose Phillips

I love to write and learn so many things. I like to enhance my skills and abilities when it comes to my career.