The Constricted Creative

Find Time to Liberate Your Inner Masterpiece

Jeff Stephens
2 min readDec 3, 2013


Everyone has 24 hours in a day.

You may be a student attempting to stay afloat in a pile of relentless assignments. You may be blue collar, hustling every day of your life simply to survive another week. You may be a professional sitting in your cube toiling through mind-numbing email. You may be a stay-at-home parent working tirelessly to care for your family while receiving little notoriety for your Herculean efforts. You probably fill multiple roles and find it difficult to breathe.

24 hours never seems to be enough.

Beyond your day-to-day grind, what if there is an internal piece to you that remains reluctantly hidden? Strong-armed and pushed down the stack of to-dos until it settles in as an after thought. This piece of you that burns and aches for release never seems to get the attention it yearns for. There are other tasks, labeled “more important” which take precedent in your daily life. You’d love to have the time to sit down and dig through the mindless and meaningless upper layer in order to allow that deep inner piece a well-deserved escape, if just for a moment.

Everyone has this neglected and overlooked piece to them. Everyone has an inner creative. Your mind embraces the opportunity to run rampant with thoughts and think outside a proverbial box. Yet finding the time to throw your arms open, lay your head back, and close your eyes on the ride seems to always elude you.

24 hours has to be enough.

You have to find the time. You have to start today what has been pushed aside for far too long. Take the time to find your inner artist. Find the time to let it loose. Even with a baseline 24 hours, each of us has the ability to steal a fraction to fulfill our constricted creative. Bypass the value-sapping time spent on your couch staring blindly at the carnival unfolding. Wake up just a little bit earlier. Go to bed just a little bit later. Dedicate time for yourself to allow your mind to just go.

24 hours…1440 minutes. Imagine spending just 30 embracing the burning passion inside you. 2% of your day. If that’s still unattainable in the near term, imagine what a mere 5 could do.

Whatever you can spare is an improvement over the current state and will only fuel further exploration. Find your slice of 24, where you can finally, undeniably, begin to sculpt your inner masterpiece.

I run the website,, where I attempt to provide insight and inspiration to busy parents trying to navigate their daily family chaos. Find time to discover your passion, engage, and build something remarkable that makes a difference.

