Google it, 2013.

Yes, we can

Just by knowing few things, we can live our lives any way we want.

Bruno Lagroteria
Inspirational-Motivational Talks
2 min readDec 4, 2013


Yes, we can.
Yes, we can change the world, step by step, day by day, no rush at all.
Yes, we can live fulfilled if we just know ourselves.
Yes, we can do whatever we want if we know what we want.
Yes, we can live with passion going ahead of our goals.
Yes, we can live with ease of mind, free of any handcuffs.
Yes, we can live happy just by the fact that we are alive with health.
Yes, we can live with no regrets, no matter what has been made.
Yes, we can wake up from this endless dream and start to do something without waiting for other person to do for us.
Yes, we will only know the right answer when we know what question to make.
Yes, the same day at exactly same place can be awful for some and great for others.
Yes, we are only defeated when we decided to.
Yes, the world is exactly how you look for him.
Yes, we are only one people despite creed, values or skin color.
Yes, there is no luck.
Yes, dreams come true. Don’t stop dreaming.
Yes, you are what you think.
Yes, love is the greatest power of humans.
Yes, greatness is for all that decide to live large.
Yes, everything begins in our thoughts before become reality.
Yes, there is enough of everything for everyone.
Yes, every dawn it is a new day.
Yes, every day we can choose if we will have winners or losers attitude.
Yes, we can try as many times we need to make it right.
Yes, there is no limits for us. The only limit is our imagination.
Yes, we need to say many more Yes and less No.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Yes, we sure can.

You are welcome to add any more Yes, as your wish, in the comments of this post.

