Change the World!

Status Update: Doing what you love. 

Aline Mary


It is very common to hear people say: "I don’t have time to do volunteer work" and "I wish I had more time to do things that I love".

No more excuses: Do what you love for a cause!

You have a unique talent, something that you truly excel and you love doing it. Share this unique talent with your community.

You can reserve 1, 5, 10, 40 hours a week to do what you love and change the world. It will be your skill used at its best.

Do you love gardening? Plant trees.

Do you love hiking? Hug trees to raise awareness about deforestation.

Do you love to run? Run a marathon to raise money and awareness about a disease.

Do you love reading? Teach a child how to read.

Do you love numbers, spreadsheets? Share your financial management skills with an organization.

Do you love coding for iOS or Android? Colaborate with an open source project to support humanitarian causes.

Do you love coding in Python, Java, C#, C++? Help your city improve its accountability and transparency.

Do you love to cook? Make soups for organizations that help the homeless.

Do you love car racing? Teach teenagers mechanics or physics.

Do you love yoga? Practice yoga with the elders.

Do you love meditation? Try teaching meditation to teenagers.

Do you love to swim? Teach people how to swim.

Do you love to dance? Show others how amazing it is dancing for no reason.

Do you love to draw? Draw pictures for classrooms.

Do you love to sing? Share your voice.

Do you love to write? Write a poem.

Crazy about cleaning? Clean a beach!

Do you love doing two things? Do both!

Do you care for more than one cause? Help all of them! Engage your friends to help you!

You will get paid for this work: with a smile, with a hug, with sweat and tears of joy. There are some studies that even say that you could live longer.

The world needs: artists, scientists, magicians, economists, inventors, lawyers, chefs, software engineers, entrepreneurs, investors, educators, business strategists, doctors, full time mothers who teach the value of care giving, dentists, designers, those who like to practice sports… this is an infinite list.

The world needs creative and innovative people who have the courage to make a step change and solve the most challenging problems.

The world needs the energy of the youngest, the focus and concentration of the adults and the wisdom of the elders.

The world needs YOU. Volunteer work means donate yourself. It is truly doing something with your heart.

Look for opportunities in your neighborhood! Think global and act local!

WARNING: It is highly addictive. Once you start, you will never be able to stop.

Choose the date! Mark in your calendar: Busy: All day — Changing the world.

