I Dream of Paradise

Coldplay and the 8 steps to Perfection

Ooha Kala
3 min readDec 5, 2013

In case you haven’t noticed from my series of articles, I like music. A lot.

As it were, I was watching the music video to Paradise by Coldplay and found it self-deprecating, ironic, whimsical, and positively kitsch; all in a good way. It obliged me to consider the concept on a deeper note that ‘Paradise’ is a variable concept for which we all have our own interpretation.

Perhaps I could delve into the philosophical territory of debating what Paradise and Heaven might be like but my goal is describe how I’m attempting to build my own Paradise in this life (to the extent that is practicable). You see, I believe that Paradise, Heaven or whatever you choose to call it would not be a place wherein you are showered in pleasures, wealth, and curious delights of your choosing. No, I believe, Paradise is a place where you transcend all of that; in other words it is a state of contentedness and it is achieving this state in this life that I hope to describe and one day achieve. As I’ve discussed before, this concept can be noted in all of the major religions and can be found in philosophy as Aristotelian ‘Eudaimonia.’

Now, I cannot say I am perfectly content, or that I have achieved that state of Paradise; that would be horribly unbelievable, self-righteous and pretentious. I do believe the pursuit of it, however, is deeply rewarding in itself; it allows one to hold herself to a high standard. All I hope to describe to you are some steps that may allow a well-rounded lifestyle (or what I see as Paradise given the circumstance of humanity).

With all this said, allow me to describe these 8 considerations:

  1. Simplify — Determine who, what, and which beliefs are important to your life. Narrowing the scope allows you to focus on certain matters and people, foster and grow them, and permits you to reap the benefits; all of which is incredibly rewarding.
  2. Believe in something — Have a value system of some sort or you will inevitably hurt others and yourself.
  3. Have fun! Dream big! Travel, dance, spend time with friends and family. But constantly seeking the next high or only pursuing fleeting happiness is playing with fire which can bring about some valley-like lows.
  4. Value people — This relates to the first one, but it goes further by not merely looking at people as means to an end but as ends in and of themselves.
  5. Work hard — Take responsibility for who you are and your current state. As an adult, you have made your own choices. Even if others have had a headstart, do not look on with jealousy; allow it to motivate you to work that much harder. When you taste absolute success from your own hard labour; not much is sweeter than that in this world.
  6. Accept that some things are out of your control! But don’t use this as a constant rationalisation!
  7. Look at the world with clear eyes and compassion. Volunteer and help others; it is incredibly rewarding and really brings things into perspective and allows you to appreciate what you have!
  8. Be truly open-minded — If you can’t see your opponent’s perspective you are equally close-minded and bigoted. You should be able to appreciate that a person’s exposure and experience has coloured who they are and what they believe.

I guess, that is just my take on the matter. It is something that constantly requires consideration and thoughtfulness, but I do believe these 8 considerations have made me a more content person. I hope it is of some use to you!

I would love to hear your version of Paradise on Earth in a note/comment to this article!

Much Love,




Ooha Kala

Anonymous sidekick in my own life. Cambridge grad. I write sometimes. I run a lot. I work at a startup. Slytherin but with a Peter Pan Complex! @OohaKala