Introduction to YOLOv4 | SOTA Real-Time Object Detection in 2020

I recently made a post explaining the basics of the initial You Only Look Once, also known as the YOLO algorithm. And now, 4 years later…


Originally published on, read it 2 days before on my blog!

The 4th version of this algorithm has just been released. And it has the best real-time object detection accuracy to date! It is essentially a real-time object detector, just like the initial YOLO algorithm, but much better.

I invite you to check my first YOLO post before continuing this one if you are not too familiar with it:

This 4th version has been recently introduced in April 2020 by Alexey Bochkovsky et al. in the paper “YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection”. The main goal of this algorithm was to make a super-fast object detector with high quality in terms of accuracy.



Louis-François Bouchard
What is Artificial Intelligence

I try to make Artificial Intelligence accessible to everyone. Ex-PhD student, AI Research Scientist, and YouTube (What’s AI).