This AI can cartoonize any picture or video you feed it! Paper Introduction & Results


This AI can cartoonize any picture or video you feed it in the cartoon style you want!
Let’s see how it does that and some amazing examples. You can even try it yourself on the website they created as I did for myself!

Researchers from the popular Style2Paints Research team has just released a new paper able to cartoonized your pictures and videos in the style of a specific cartoon! This is called image cartoonization. It uses a GAN framework in order to learn from the cartoon style behavior. What’s cool about this new method is that it’s separately learning each extracted representations, making their framework controllable and adjustable to better match the artist’s style in different use cases.

To do that, images are first decomposed into three cartoon representations, which will guide the network’s optimization to generate de cartoonized results. It separately takes the surface, structure, and texture…



Louis-François Bouchard
What is Artificial Intelligence

I try to make Artificial Intelligence accessible to everyone. Ex-PhD student, AI Research Scientist, and YouTube (What’s AI).