This AI makes blurry faces look 60 times sharper


This new algorithm transforms a blurry image into a high-resolution image!
It can take a super low-resolution 16x16 image and turn it into a 1080p high definition human face! You don’t believe me? Then you can do just like me and try it on yourself in less than a minute! But first, let’s see how they did that.

To start, we have to introduce the concept of photo upsampling or image super-resolution. The goal here is to construct a high-resolution image from a corresponding low-resolution input, which is a face in this case. The low-resolution will be such as 16 x 16 pixels, super blurry, to a high definition 1080p image with a clear face.

Usually, these techniques use supervised learning to train their network and measure the average distance between the new high definition image and high-resolution ground truth.

But this technique seems to neglect important details, like textures, and create some blurry spots when the answer is uncertain because of the…



Louis-François Bouchard
What is Artificial Intelligence

I try to make Artificial Intelligence accessible to everyone. Ex-PhD student, AI Research Scientist, and YouTube (What’s AI).