3 Reasons Why I Married Her After Dating for 8 Months…

Relationship advice that changed everything

Sean Todd M.Ed
What Is Love To You?
3 min readJan 16, 2024


Photo by Kazzle John Delbo on Unsplash

Some claim that it doesn’t take long for a man to recognize when he has found “the one,” and I can attest to the truth in this statement.

About 10 months ago, I encountered an extraordinary woman with whom I fell deeply in love.

What drew me to her extended beyond mere external appearances; it was the way she made me feel as a man.

To provide some context, I had been previously married, and that union lasted for approximately 2 years until it unfortunately ended due to insurmountable issues.

Following that divorce, the idea of remarriage seemed improbable given my past experiences.

However, fate took an unexpected turn when a woman I followed on social media commented on one of my Facebook posts, offering encouragement and congratulations for a recent achievement.

From that moment on, we embarked on a beautiful journey that culminated in a desire for a lifelong commitment.

Though some may question the speed at which I decided to make such a significant commitment after only 8 months of dating, the driving force behind this decision can be encapsulated in one word…


This elusive state of tranquility became a cornerstone of our relationship.

Amid challenging workdays or the need for an escape from the chaos of the world, being with her became a sanctuary where I could clear my mind and revel in our shared moments.

Having experienced relationships where the stress surpassed that of the workplace, the presence of a loving and peaceful partner exponentially heightened my attraction to my wife.


Another crucial factor that strengthened our bond was the sense of purpose she allowed me to embrace.

While it doesn’t entail dictating daily actions, she affords me the authority to make decisions regarding our family and life.

This autonomy may not be a universal priority, but for many men, having the space to make certain decisions is valued.

Respectful Communication.

In the realm of communication, disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. However, what sets our interactions apart is the absence of offensive language or blame-shifting.

Even during challenging conversations, which we personally term “tough conversations” to avoid instigating division, she maintains a respectful tone and takes responsibility when necessary.

While these three aspects — peace, purpose, and respectful communication — are not the sole pillars of our relationship, they stand out as the qualities I appreciate most, guiding me toward the decision to marry my wife.

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Sean Todd M.Ed
What Is Love To You?

An aspiring author and teacher who has successfully overcome some of life's challenges and emerged triumphant..