5 Unconventional Tips for Finding True Love (That Actually Work)

Breaking the Rules: How to Find True Love Without Following the Typical Dating Rules

What Is Love To You?
5 min readJan 4, 2023


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Are you tired of swiping left and right on dating apps, only to end up with more disappointment than matches? Do you find yourself constantly asking, “Why is it so hard to find love?” Well, fear not, my fellow singleton, because I’ve got some unconventional tips that just might help you find the love of your life.

According to a recent study, the average person will go on at least five bad dates before finding “the one.” That’s a lot of bad sushi and awkward small talk for something that’s supposed to be the most natural thing in the world.

But what if I told you that the key to finding true love might actually be to stop looking for it?

Introducing the theme of the blog: unconventional tips for finding true love. In this post, we’ll be discussing five tips that might just help you find the happily ever after you’ve been dreaming of.

Tip #1: Stop looking for love

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It’s counterintuitive, I know. But hear me out. The more you try to force love, the harder it becomes to find it. Agree? Think about it: when you’re desperate for a relationship, you’re more likely to settle for someone who isn’t right for you or to overlook red flags that should have been deal breakers. (We’ve all been there, right? “Oh, he’s not really that into his ex-girlfriend. He’s just keeping in touch as friends. I’m sure he’s over her.”) Instead, try to focus on being happy and fulfilled as an individual.

When you’re confident and content with who you are, love is more likely to come naturally. Plus, you’ll have a better idea of what you’re looking for in a partner, rather than settling for the first person who shows interest. As the old saying goes, “You can’t love someone else until you love yourself.” (Or, as I like to say, “You can’t have a successful relationship until you have a successful relationship with yourself.”)

Tip #2: Focus on self-improvement

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Speaking of being happy and fulfilled as an individual, self-improvement is key. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby, exercising more, or working on your mental health, focusing on becoming the best version of yourself is an essential part of finding true love.

Plus, it’s a win-win: not only will you be more attractive to potential partners, but you’ll also feel better about yourself.

And let’s be real. Who doesn’t want to be more attractive and feel better about themselves? It’s like the ultimate two-for-one deal. (Okay, maybe not quite as good as buy-one-get-one-free frozen yogurt, but still pretty darn close.)

Tip #3: Expand your social circle

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Love often comes from unexpected places, so don’t be afraid to branch out and meet new people. Join a club, try online dating, or say yes to that invitation to hang out with your friend’s coworkers. (Hey, even if it’s just for the free food and drinks, it’s still a chance to meet new people.)

The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find someone who clicks with you. And even if you don’t find love, you might just make some new friends in the process. (Plus, it never hurts to have more people to complain about your love life with.)

Tip #4: Don’t settle for less than you deserve

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It’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of a new relationship, but it’s important to remember that you deserve to be with someone who treats you right. Don’t settle for a relationship that doesn’t meet your needs or values, no matter how tempting it may seem.

It’s better to be single and happy than to be in a toxic or unhealthy relationship. (Plus, if you’re with someone who doesn’t treat you right, you’ll have less time to watch Netflix and eat ice cream in bed, which is a tragedy no one should have to endure.)

Tip #5: Be open to love in unexpected places

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True love can come from unexpected sources or situations. Don’t be afraid to be open to love in all its forms, whether it’s a friend who becomes something more or a chance encounter on a trip abroad. You never know where true love will come from, so keep an open mind and be open to new possibilities. (I mean, who wouldn’t want to fall in love while sipping on a Piña colada on a tropical beach?)

Just remember, regarding love, anything is possible. (Well, almost anything. I can’t guarantee you’ll find love by swiping through profiles on a dating app while stuck in traffic. Sorry, wish I could help more there.)

Well, I hope these unconventional tips for finding true love were helpful (or at least mildly entertaining). Will they work for everyone? Of course not. But they’re worth a shot, right?

Remember, love is a journey, not a destination. (Or, as I like to say, love is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.) So don’t get too discouraged if you haven’t found the love of your life yet. Keep on searching and don’t be afraid to try new things. And if you enjoyed this blog, be sure to let me know!

I’m always on the lookout for new and creative ways to help people find true love (or at least a decent date).

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Happy hunting!



What Is Love To You?

Hi! I'm Java, a writer and blockchain enthusiast with a deep understanding of decentralized technologies. Writing about web 3, crypto, DeFi makes me happy.