Codependency, InterDependency, Independency, Oh My

All relationships are different, so contrary to popular belief, none of these are inherently bad.

What Is Love To You?


Image by Pexel’s

These terms are often thrown around in today’s society as if they are the sole indicators of a healthy relationship. It’s as if falling into one of these categories provides all the necessary information to determine if a relationship is “good” or “bad.” But that’s an oversimplification.

While each term — codependency, independence, and interdependence — holds aspects that can be linked to both healthy and unhealthy relationships, they do not fully encapsulate the complexity of human connections. Interdependence, the aspirational ideal, resides at the midpoint between reliance and autonomy, representing a delicate balance where partners support each other while maintaining individuality.

However, before exploring interdependence, it’s essential to understand the context surrounding codependency and independence.


Let’s start with the scariest term, codependency. Originally, according to the Oxford Dictionary, codependency is described as excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, usually one who requires support due to illness or addiction. It often involves a…



What Is Love To You?

Health, travel, and love. My three favorite things.