A Lesson in Love

Love doesn’t have to be a continuous act. Love can be experienced in a moment.

Dominique Spottswood
What Is Love To You?
4 min readOct 16, 2022


Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

I met you in a crowded pub. The spark was instant. You didn’t hit on me like the rest of the guys. You were subtle, kind, and charming, not forceful and aggressive.

You didn’t pressure me to dance with you, invade my personal space, or make me uncomfortable. You complimented me and went on your way.

What a pleasant change of pace.

We reconnected at the end of the night. I looked at you a little more carefully this time. We held eye contact, and I felt swept up in a cerulean ocean wave. You had kind eyes. Goodness, I loved those smile lines around your eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. And with eyes like those, your soul must be magnificent.

We spent time together over the next three days. A rooftop dinner at sunset, a bundle of baby’s breath, a scooter ride through the ancient Roman streets. You showed me the Measure of a Man.

Oh, the memories we cultivated together.

We gave each other insight into our very foreign lives. You told me of your passion that you’re forced to mourn. I held space for you and offered my condolences; you accepted and changed the subject with a mischievous grin. Never one to bring the mood down.

I showed you my propensity for weirdness, and you liked it. You’re weird, too; this is why we got along. I could tell you had a soft spot for me. And I for you, seeing as I had just sworn off men altogether only a few hours before our (un)timely meeting. Isn’t life funny that way?

You showed me little glimpses of your character:

A man asked you for a light for his cigarette, and you happily obliged.

A stranger approached you in need of money. You immediately whipped out your wallet and gave them a couple of euros with a smile and kind words of parting.

Another person asked for directions, and you gladly gave them along with a little anecdote.

You took me to your favorite bakery, where you’re a regular. The girl behind the counter was happy to see you. A line quickly formed behind us, and you allowed people to go in front of you because you were in no rush. Little displays of generosity everywhere we went. I noticed these things you did so naturally, and I fell for the kindness behind your eyes and your actions.

I loved observing you. Seeing the way you dance with life, without choreography, of course. You are the embodiment of living in the present — the opposite of me, with my meticulous planning of every moment of my day. The one thing I didn’t plan for was you, though. You simply flow, and I want to flow too. Hopefully, one day, right alongside you.

The day before I met you, I dreamt of two sentient, massive, arthropodal fish. They were dancing and swimming in a familiar lake, in perfect harmony, one masculine, one feminine. At one point, the lake opened up like Charybdis and swallowed them whole. Then they rose from the dark depths of the water and kept weaving and flowing, totally in love with life and each other — A beautiful depiction of Piscean balance and union. Am I crazy to think that dream foretold our meeting? I don’t think so.

You saw me. I know you did. You described me the way my mom describes me. And she may be the only one who truly sees me for me. Yet there you were, speaking to my soul and nourishing my inner child.

I think this is love, and it could be true love if circumstance were in our favor. An ocean away and a seven-hour time difference are not conducive to a blossoming romance, especially after only knowing each other for just three days.

My heart honestly does ache if I give it too much thought. I’m not sure if I long for you, or the idea of you, or maybe even the tragedy of our parting is what entices me. Limerence, star-crossed lovers, soulmates destined to meet in a random Scottish Pub at 3 am in Roma. Every sign leads to kismet.

You told me this song reminds you of the time we spent together:


Hug Me, in Italian

“…that is almost scary to think that you can love someone randomly in a moment.”

A perfect description of our fated encounter, and you say you’re not sentimental.

It simply isn’t our season. And that’s okay. I’ll patiently wait for the day when I finally know what it is to love and be loved by you.

Despite the cruel reality of “right person, wrong time,” I’m glad I met you. Even if I never get to dance through life with you. Even if I’m too gullible for my own good. Even if it’s silly to believe in destiny and the meeting of two souls pre-written in the stars. I will never stop believing in the power of Love.

You’ve shown me love doesn’t have to be a continuous act. Love can be an experience. I thank you for that, and I am deeply grateful for this lesson in love.

The song:

Andrea Sannino — Abbracciame — YouTube



Dominique Spottswood
What Is Love To You?

On a journey of discovering love and self-acceptance. I write about spirituality, love, books, and philosophy.