A Letter to My Ultimate Crush

My partner of over a decade

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
What Is Love To You?
3 min readJun 16, 2024


A sign that says, “I have a crush on you” to represent the message to my crush in Pride Month.
Photo by Leonardo Sanches on Unsplash

In the spirit of Pride Month, I wanted to write a crush on my partner of over a decade. I have crushes on other people but he’s the one I always come back to and love. We may not always get along but I’ve never lost the fire that has kept us together all this time. He’s one of the few people who’s been able to tolerate me in large doses for a long period. I can be quite the handful at times and definitely someone who isn’t easy to live with. With that being said, I have some heartfelt thanks and appreciation to send to my love.

Dear Mike,
I’m so happy I found you over a decade ago. I was just online messing around thinking I’d never find my soulmate, my partner, my match. When you met me, I was a bit of a wild horse and not quite ready to settle down. I still wanted to run around and I was unfocused. You helped me in so many ways over the time we’ve been together. You’ve given me a purpose, a focus, and a reason to be better every single day. You make me better and make me want to continue to improve and grow.

You’ve taught me that communication is the key to making a relationship work. We test that in positive ways many times but also we test that in many negative ways when the lack of communication can lead to passionate arguments. The passion that we have is unmatched. Even after ten years, we find a way to keep our love feeling fresh and fiery. You and I have so much passion for each other and others. I couldn’t have found a better partner to share my life with.

You and I align on so many important issues and even on the ones we don’t, we still find a way to make that a non-factor. You are one of the smartest and clever people I’ve ever known. You have so many skill sets and knowledge bases that I could only ever dream of attaining.

My passion for you started with your big brain but I also find you insanely desirable. You are a beautiful man inside and out. You have a big heart and are honest and direct with the people you care about. Sure, sometimes that can lead to arguments and disagreements but people always know where they stand with you because of that. You are a kind soul.

A very sexy and beautiful bearded man who makes me smile just by looking in my direction. I can’t think of a better person I would want to spend my time with. You seem to know how to make me feel better and sometimes know me and my reactions better than I know myself. I have found someone I’m proud to call my love and someone who I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with. Your eyes, your kisses, your passion, your love, your kindness, your honesty, and your heart.

These are all of the things that make me fall in love with you over and over again. I know I told you when we first got together that I would be hard to love but I’m happy that you kept trying to break through. My life would never be where it is now without your love, commitment, compassion, and patience. I love you, my handsome, smart, beautiful bear. To many more years with my love, my crush, my everything.

Your sweetheart,



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
What Is Love To You?

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.