A Song For Lovers Who Hesitate

Your Mind Is Not Easy To Read

Ruth O.
What Is Love To You?
5 min readApr 13, 2022


Screenshot from my Spotify playlist

For Lovers who Hesitate is a song I love so much; the first time I heard it was a few months ago, and the title made me want to listen. I’m currently listening to it as I write this; it’s probably the one-hundredth time I’m listening to it, or maybe more.

It’s a song in the Korean language by a Korean rock band named Jannabi, but it is somebody’s story. It might be yours; who knows?

Keep reading to find out.

For Lovers Who Hesitate is a song about a lonely man who thought his mind was easy to read. He fell in love with a lady at first sight but hesitated to tell her, thinking she could read through his mind.

Screenshot of a part of the song’s lyrics

The lonely man was in his house, reading a book, when a knock sounded on his door; he hurried to get it, and it was the post lady, she had come to deliver his letter. As he opened the door, the lady’s eyes dropped on the book he held, and she smiled while telling him she had read the book and she loved it too.

After handing his letters to him, she asked if she could get a glass of water, and this young man gave it to her without saying any words. The post lady downed the water, returned the empty glass to him, and thanked him before leaving.

The lonely man stood at the door, watching her back as she walked away because she left something — a feeling. She left a feeling in his heart; it was love; he knew it was love.

When night came, he kept thinking about her; he picked up his pen and decided to write his feelings down on paper. It was harder than he thought it would be; he didn’t know how to express what he felt in his heart. So, that first night, he didn’t; he went to sleep without penning his feelings.

The next day, as he continued the book he read the previous morning, the book the lady told him she liked, he remembered her again.

He remembered the post lady that made his heart race faster than normal.

He knew he had to write down what he felt; he wanted to. So, he decided to go and shop for more books, hoping he’d find the right words to describe the feeling after reading more books.

As he shopped for books at the bookshop, he sighted the post lady again, looking prettier than she did the day before, and his heart fluttered when she greeted him with that beautiful smile — the smile that made her love form in his heart.

After shopping for books, they both left the bookstore together. While they walked home, they talked about the books they had read, and he made her laugh.

Her laugh was even prettier than her smile; it was the prettiest thing he had seen. He wanted to tell her right there, to tell her his heart was in love with her, but he didn’t; he hesitated.

When it was time to part, he contemplated calling her back and asking her to wait for a while before leaving. Did he? No, instead, he stood there and watched her leave again.

On getting home, this man sat in front of his table again, brought out his pen and paper, and attempted to write down his feelings.

After writing and rewriting, he decided the best way to express his feelings was to paint a picture of her. He still remembered her face clearly — the beautiful face he took time to observe and admire. So, he painted a picture of her.

The next morning, he put the painting in the middle of the lady’s favourite book and happily dropped the book in the mailbox where the lady picked letters for delivery. He was certain she would pick the book and find his painting of her in the middle.

As he walked back home, feeling all giddy, he ran into the lady wearing her usual smile, but she was smiling and laughing with another man.

The happiness on his face faded, and his legs failed as he watched another man hold the woman he loved.

He sadly walked past them without saying anything to the post lady because he knew, he knew he had lost her to another man.

Slowly, the lady turned her head to watch him as he walked away, and sadness clouded her eyes too. She liked the lonely man but didn’t know he liked her too, so she went for the man that confessed his feelings to her.

Mornings later, the post lady went to the mailbox and found the book; she knew who dropped it there — it was the man she once liked. She flipped the book open and found a painting of her inside, a painting that held many emotions, but it was too late; she was with another man because the painter had procrastinated.

Another screenshot from my Spotify playlist

So, dear lovers-who-hesitate, I hope you take that brave step today. Your mind is not as easy to read as you think; even if it is, the person you love still wants to hear you tell them with words. Confess your feelings today before it’s too late.





Update: omg omgggg!!! This piece (A Song for Lovers Who Hesitate) is such a big hittt! Thank you so so so much y’alls for reading! Please don’t forget to clap and leave a comment if you enjoyed this piece! (P.S — you can clap up to 50 times 👏 )

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Ruth O.
What Is Love To You?

Niche? What’s that? I write whatever. But I’m mostly storifying songs.