An Open Letter to My Lover

I Hope I Never Forget How You Make Me Feel

Assumpta Nalubowa
What Is Love To You?
2 min readDec 9, 2022


Source: Author

I hope I never lose the twinkle in my eyes
I hope these knots will forever stay in my stomach
I hope I never forget how you make me feel.

I once fell in love with a boy’s voice
Every time he spoke, I came alive —
No, I went silent
I died
I needed to absorb every note in his baritone

And then, one day I became stone
I stopped hearing his music
Be cool, I told myself
Don’t be weird,
It’s okay,
No one obsesses over people’s voices anyway

And after his voice,
followed his face
And his sentences
Slowly, I forgot it all

A few months ago he called me
So, I listened keenly
I listened with my heart and my soul
But it was too late



Assumpta Nalubowa
What Is Love To You?

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: