Christmas’ Nostalgic Scent — The Moment Childhood Returns

Christmas is the perfect time to do some reflections on life.

Gustavo Guedes Araújo
What Is Love To You?
2 min readDec 20, 2022


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

And so this is Christmas…

— Céline Dion

When I think of Christmas, distant memories come back to comfort me. No matter how bad I feel, I feel better almost instantly.

I remember when I used to go to my aunts’ house, and I was flattered by the city’s decoration. Everything was bright, people were smiling, the world was better, and I smelled peace. A scent I can’t smell in anything else.

The main reason I felt good at Christmas was the presence of my grandma, Celina, (I called her Céline Dion when I was a kid and she always smiled) the pillar of a divided family. She raised me from the day I was born and reminds me of love. To me, she is the pure definition of peace.

This Christmas will be different as it’s the first Christmas in my 21 years that I’m not likely to be around her. Celina is hospitalized due to age complications; she is 78 years old and has some problems like hypertension. I have faith that we will have many Christmases together in the future.

As a man just out of his teens, I realize that life is not the fantasy I’ve always imagined. Life is hard, and there is no tutorial to solve it. The scent of Christmas may even remind me of my magnificent childhood moments, but it will never be able to take me back there. That’s an annual bucket of cold water.

Christmas is one of the few times when a large part of humanity overcomes its selfishness to love one another. But that is changing in recent years. The world is not the same anymore. People realized that a Western party is not the solution to human stupidity. The year has 365 days. People need to be good all year round, and they won’t.

While the world doesn’t get better and I don’t have my grandma back, I will continue to enjoy the smell of nostalgia. The only thing that can bring me peace.

Share your thoughts about Christmas and clap if you liked my thought.

Merry Christmas to all of you! ♥

