Creating & Forming Your Own Path
Path independency | Being self-reliant | Trusting your own self |
At this time of December, the new year’s resolution list is getting filled up. Taking on new challenges and setting goals — both for yourself and for others.
Life is like an album book; it is up to you how you’re going to fill it up.
When we are in the position of decision-making, we cannot find the perfect answer to go to. However, there is no such thing as a perfect decision. What matters in your decision is how good and right it is for you to take that path.
The fact that you are having second thoughts about your decision is normal, you are hoping for the best choice. There is nothing to feel sorry about. It is just you, thinking about yourself for the future.
In discussions about decision-making, we frequently ask ourselves, ‘Is this the right path for me?’ ‘Why would I think this choice is better?’ and “What distinguishes this choice from the others?”
Humans have a mindset where they think when they mess up in life, it is all over. I was thinking it, but I don’t think that’s the case.
It is not that I’m saying that you did not mess up; the point is, I don’t think your life ends there. Learn and understand the words ”redo,” and “restart.”
I wanted to be honest here on the matter of whether you should take responsibility for your every action. Because through this, you can understand your situation better. The more you understand your situation, the better you can think of how to solve it.
Discover your own ways
Create your own path and see what awaits you at the other end. If ever you stumble upon a sharp rock, fix your tires and keep going.
Find the reason why you are living in such moments and create goals.
‘It is good to be as independent as possible, and when you need help, you can ask for it. There is a great sense of confidence in your ability when you know you can take care of your responsibilities without any dependency on others (CD Stevens. Nov 2020).
To be frank, it is a win-win situation in a way. If ever you decided on yourself in life and made a mistake, it is a learning experience where you’ll find ways to avoid it for future reference.
Two choices, two consequences
‘Personality development needs confidence and independence in your thought and actions. Pessimism is something you must throw away if you intend to make a strong and powerful person (Make Me Better. Aug 2019).’
In life, I used to believe that “going with the flow” was enough to allow me to freely choose what was best for me. Well, it is an inspirational line alright.
What I understand from the given line is that, whatever happens in my life, I’ll just go with it. Living where I just think that everything is going to be okay. Actually, it’s still vague for me.
I am telling you this because there will be circumstances in life where you think that things will be going fine. Situationally, it can be good. At least you know that certain events are going to be alright, so you are confident when it comes to decision making.
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