Ever Wondered If You Are The Narcissist?

Maybe you’re the one in bondage.

Kristina God, MBA
What Is Love To You?


wonderful woman with red hair looking into camera.
Coffee photo created by lookstudio — www.freepik.com

It seems as if everyone is throwing the label narcissist around nowadays.

Especially on social media.

Quora is full of it. Medium is full of it.

Have you ever wondered if you are the narcissist in your relationship?

Well, I once did.

My ex-boyfriend never self-reflected.

He wasn’t interested in taking a deeper look inside or taking accountability for his actions.

He didn’t think anything was wrong with him at all.

His perspective was wholly self-serving.

It was much too late when I realized that, in this charming man I was dating, I was dealing with a textbook narcissist who couldn’t really love me.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking to realize that you were the only one doing the loving.

Taking off my rose-colored glasses.

After weeks of being in love, I found myself taking off my rose-colored glasses, and, with time, the true face of my boyfriend came more and more to light.



Kristina God, MBA
What Is Love To You?

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