Fighting Over Who’s More Handsome

The Cute “Fight” My Partner and I Have Occasionally

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
What Is Love To You?
3 min readJan 11, 2022


Photo by Jasmine Carter from Pexels

The “Fight”

My partner and I fight frequently over who we think is more handsome, sexy, and or beautiful. I know this might sound like we’re fighting each other egos and trying to convince the other one why we would make the case for ourselves but it’s actually the opposite.

We are both stubborn as hell and will insist until the day we die that the opposite partner is more attractive. I always tell Mike, “You’re more beautiful”, and he’ll look at me and say, “no, you’re more beautiful.”

We go back and forth like this for minutes until one of us decides to break the discussion. This is either with a kiss, an embrace, a sensual rub on the neck or back, or me joking that he needs glasses or that he’s right, jokingly, of course.

I Always Hope He Wins

This “fight” shows that even couples who’ve been together for multiple years can still keep things fresh, fun, and exciting. In March, we’ll be celebrating our 8 year anniversary together and we always try to find ways to show each other how much we love each other.

I’m the type of person who gets uncomfortable at times when people judge or comment on my appearance. I’ve never considered myself to be conventionally attractive and my weight has a lot to do with my self-esteem.

Hearing someone say how much they find me sexy, attractive, and handsome, especially my partner, is actually quite reassuring and comforting though. Knowing that someone can see past many of the other things that people on the outside tend to get stuck on makes me feel good. I feel truly seen.

I Never Want The “Fighting” To Stop

I hope we go eight more years to a decade more and beyond fighting about the silliest and most trivial things. I feel like that fire has never really gone out for us and I’m so happy that despite a ton of my glaring flaws and some fairly passionate actual arguments that we’ve found a way to stay strong after all of these years.

No couple is perfect, and I’ll tell you that our journey along with our struggles has certainly magnified that. However, we really have our moments of clarity and realize why and how we fell in love in the first place. And I don’t ever want to lose sight of that.

Mike and I have lofty goals and I hope to achieve many, if not all, of them with him. His love and our “fighting” keep the fire strong and keep me moving forward with more optimism than I would without him with me.

I want to feel like I’m enriching his life, and not just holding him back. I know I can’t do much anymore but what I can do, I want to do well and show him that I’m putting all of my love and passion into them. We’re both so lucky to have such handsome, sexy, beautiful, and loving partners to support our dreams. I hope neither one of us ever loses that argument.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
What Is Love To You?

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.