Flame That Didn’t Last Long

Love wasn’t enough to hold us together


Photo by Edurne Tx on Unsplash

Love’s tender flame, once ablaze, now wanes,
Through time’s cruel hands, slips like fleeting grains.
We danced in passion, a delicate tether,
Yet love alone couldn’t weather life’s weather.

Whispers of devotion, vows in the night,
Faded echoes, lost in the endless fight.
Hearts entwined, but fate had its own say,
Love, a fragile thread, began to fray.

The moon witnessed our dreams, now shattered,
As love's illusions slowly scattered.
Not mere affection could bind us tight,
For love alone couldn't conquer the night.

Through the tears that silently fell,
A bittersweet truth, no magic spell.
Love, once a fortress, now crumbled walls,
Echoes of its absence in empty halls.

Yet in the echoes, a lesson profound,
Love's not everything that makes hearts bound.
Life's currents fierce, a relentless tide,
Love, though beautiful, sometimes can't guide.



Thoughts of Phoenix
What Is Love To You?

I write to keep myself alive, and I do see things, feel them, and I try to give those feelings and experiences shape into words.