From Like to Love:

“Watering the Flower of Your Relationship Daily — Understanding the Nuances of Maintaining Love”

David Kit
What Is Love To You?
5 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

One day this sentence from the book got me interested. I want to dive deep and explore. Have you ever wonder

What is the difference between Like & Love?

We often view these two words as having separate meanings. For example, some may consider the words of Love so heavy; it means so much to be in the state of Love.

On the other side, someone will think, if we are in a relationship, I’m in Love with you. At first glance, it feels like I’m falling in Love with you, only I’m attracted to the beauty with an extreme feeling of like.

Some of us may confuse Like = Love.

Both Like and Love represent distinct emotional levels, each with nuances and complexities.

Our perspective on Love or like is shaped by our idea of what it should be, which is, in turn, moulded by our memories.

The people around us can influence or even inspire our ideas about being in a relationship.

Every moment that’s connected starts from the first look, that moment I’m attracted to these beautiful people. The urge of feeling makes me feel like I want to merge and become friends with this person and go further into a relationship because I like it.

We are attracted to the beauty we seek and want it for our own.

Imagine walking into a garden, smelling the scene of peace in the surroundings, feeling the fresh air it provides and enjoying its beauty.

We are attracted to one of the shiniest flowers that catch our attention. We want to cut the flower and put it into our home inside a glass jar and fill it with water to enjoy its beauty.

Unfortunately, the flower we cut withers as time passes and eventually dies.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

So what is the feeling of “Like.”

Like is a feeling of attraction towards someone or something on the first look, which gives you the passion I want to connect with this person.

For example, we might like someone for their looks, humour, intelligence or character.

The first feeling is when we are about to walk into the path of Love, but there is something more about it. When we are both attracted to and connected. There is where the relationship starts.

But once you get to know your partner better, you may learn more about what you like or dislike about them. The habits, perspectives, and behaviour may result in a lot.

As time passes, you may find yourself clicking or not clicking with them or even losing yourself by saying Yes to what you dislike.

When there is a fight, this may come out from the conversation. For example, “You have changed so much; when we just met, you weren’t like this.”

As we get to know each other better, we gain greater clarity. Through open and honest communication, we can understand and adapt to one another, both in good times and bad. This process of evolution allows us to become better individuals and strengthen our relationships.

The Evolution of “Like” to “Love”

Love is a deep language that can’t even describe its full potential in words. Saying I love you could mean so much or even pressure on your partner. Love is often described as a feeling that goes beyond words, a connection that goes beyond the physical and is rooted in the synergy of the pair of partners. It’s a bond forged over time based on shared experiences and mutual respect.

It involves a strong attachment, commitment and investment in the relationship. It’s not just what you can get from the relationship but also about what you can give and sacrifice for the partner. Love is a choice to prioritise and cherish your partner, despite their imperfections and challenges.

But how do you maintain “Love” over time?

How do we keep the flame of Love burning with unconditional Love to support each other and prevent it from fading away? The answer lies in the metaphor of the flower.

When you like a flower, you pluck it, and it dies.
When you love a flower, you water it daily, and it thrives.

Love requires constant Care, Attention, and Nourishment.

Just like how plants need

  • Air.
  • Time.
  • Water.
  • Sunlight.
  • Nutrients.
  • The space to grow.
  • The right temperature.
Photo by Pono Lopez on Unsplash

You can’t take Love for granted or assume it will last forever without effort.

So, what does it mean to water you love daily?

Being a good partner means being present, attentive, and responsive to your partner’s needs.

It means showing empathy, kindness, and respect even when you disagree or feel frustrated. It also means communicating openly, honestly, and respectfully without blaming, criticism, or defensiveness.

Being a good partner also means being willing to compromise, forgive, and learn from each other, even when it’s hard or uncomfortable.

Love is not always easy and perfect.

There will be times when you feel hurt, disappointed, or frustrated with your partner.

You may face pressures or conflicts that challenge your bond and test your resilience. But that’s when Love shines the brightest in the process.

Love is not just a feeling; it’s also a skill, practice, and mindset.

It’s the willingness to break through difficulties, grow stronger and evolve together. It’s a process of enjoying walking toward the shared vision and purpose side by side, being the supportive pillar of each different needs.


In my personal experience, I used to confuse liking = with loving. So if I felt strongly attracted to someone, it must be LOVE.

But over time, I realised that Love is not just a feeling of intensity or passion but also a feeling of stability, comfort, and security where both partners can be themselves.

Love is not just about the thrill of the chase but also about the joy of the journey, where mutual growth and learning from each other. The memories and experiences create a deep and meaningful bond.

So, are you in a state of Like or Love?

Ask yourself.

What do you like or admire about your partner? What is the first connection that makes you want to know about them?

Are you willing to accept and support your partner when they’re not at their best? Are you ready to grow and learn with your partner and face all the challenges coming along the way?

And remember, whether you are in a relationship or not, the journey of Love is always worth taking despite all the challenges you may meet.



David Kit
What Is Love To You?

As a storyteller, I write to explore and share experiences of learning and self-improvement by integrating personal experiences into creative narratives.