How to End a Relationship the Right Way?

Make your choice and end what is not good for you.

Yashika Neekhra
5 min readJun 7, 2022
Sad And Dis- hearted Men and Women
Sometimes it is good to end it.

When we love someone, we usually think that the love will last for a lifetime. We believe that this is the one for us and that it could be different the next time around, and that nothing could ever happen that would end your relationship.

But, in some cases, such things can occur and split apart. For example, let’s look only at divorce rates. The research suggests it’s about 50 percent (although the method of measuring divorcing rates can be more complicated than comparing divorces to marriages within a single year). 1 Since they are not well-controlled, it’s very difficult to determine the rates for common law and casual relationships that end in divorce.

Relations end due to a range of reasons. Conflict is the most common reason, but it can also be other factors that lead to the ending of an association with someone to whom you are still attached. If this occurs, it is important to know how to end your relationship with the person you love.

How and Why Do Breakups Take Place?

The majority of us begin relationships hoping that we’ll never need to put them down. Particularly, marriage is based on the idea that it will continue “until death does us part.”

Common reasons for breakups include personality differences, a lack of the time they spend together, the inability to be faithful, insufficient positive interactions between couples, low sexual satisfaction and low overall satisfaction with the relationship.

Breaking up with a partner is among the most challenging things we must complete. Whatever your position in breaking up, knowing how to properly break up (including breaking up with the person you are in love with) can make this change less painful and less damaging for both parties.

How to Break it Up the right Way

We talk about the “right” method; however, there isn’t any best or “best” method of breaking apart. Every relationship is unique, and each person in a relationship is unique. Therefore, it’s up to you to think about your spouse’s personality, needs, and emotions as you go through this article and decide how to resolve the relationship.

Know that it’s not Easy

Know that there is no pain-free method to break up. We all wish we could break up with no suffering or pain. However, no matter how broken the relationship may be, closing it can cause pain for both parties; when you accept that there will be hurt and resentment, you can prepare for the consequences.


If you’ve ever been snubbed by email or text (or when you’ve been abandoned completely), you’re aware of being ignored so much that the person who cheated did not bother to inform the truth in person. So why would you do this to someone else?

Your partner is entitled to the respect of a conversation that is face-to-face. An intimate setting can be more comfortable but a more secure place if you are concerned about your loved one reacting violently in public.

Be honest, but don’t give too much detail.

People generally would like to know the reason for getting sacked. Although “you’re not a good bed partner” or “you aren’t as ambitious” may seem like an honest response but it’s not preserving your or your spouse’s self-esteem or respectability.

A reflexive statement such as “I do not think we’re sexually compatible” or “I don’t believe our long-term goals are in alignment anymore” are better methods to express your feelings. Do not play a play-by-play of what your partner did wrong or use cliches such as “it’s not you but for me.”

Don’t give up on Protests or Arguments.

If the breakup comes as an unexpected event to the other party, They might attempt to argue, protest, or explain why you should keep the relationship and attempt another time. It is impossible to restore or revive the relationship today if you’re close to breaking the ice. The moment you give in, it will prolong the inevitable.

Make an orderly break.

Don’t recommend that you remain with your friends. Do not say, “let’s keep in touch.” If you want to end your romance, you have to stay clear of further emotional conflicts with your former partner. There is a chance that you will be friends later on; however, this isn’t the best time to think about this possibility.

Show Sympathy

Let your heartache over the breakup and share positive memories of your time spent together. The feeling of being rejected is very painful. However, it is possible to soften the blow by talking about the wonderful times you spent with your partner.

Tell them something like, “You taught me so many cooking skills, and I’m a better cook thanks to you”, and similar. You would like to make them feel that they have impacted your life, even if the end of your relationship.

It is also possible to say, “I had hoped for us to get older together and am disappointed that this will never occur.” It shows you’re in your partner’s hurt sentiments about the loss of hope.

Beware of blaming or shame.

Don’t turn the other person into “the villain.” Nobody’s perfect. Everyone has faults, and making your ex-partner a devilish figure isn’t helpful (aside from the obvious violence cases, but this is not the type of relationship we’re talking about here).

There are many negative things, like the act of cheating; however, they’re humans too. It is better to settle your emotions about their actions (if they committed any wrongdoing) than focus on who they are.

Allow Time for Grief

Even if you’re the one to end the relationship, it will be an interval of heartbreak, grief, and sorrow. This is among the most difficult aspects of figuring out the best way to let go of someone you love. Of course, you love them even though you don’t know why; however, you must keep in mind why your relationship isn’t working.

Recognize that you’ll have to adjust to the new environment. Spend time with the people you enjoy, participate in activities that bring you joy, and remember that feeling sad and crying is normal.

An Opinion From Verywell

In any relationship breakup, The first thing you need to keep in mind is to be gentle and sensitive. It’s easy to forget how someone else might feel while being focused on our thoughts, but it’s crucial not to focus your entire conversation on your feelings. If you approach the conversation with compassion and kindness, it will be simpler for everyone.

