I Love My Mother

There is everything and nothing more to say.

What Is Love To You?
2 min readApr 24, 2022


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There are no words, no ideas, no analogies I could write that could express the meaning of when I say that I love my mother.

There are no sayings or quotes that could encapsulate how I felt every time she hugged me or kissed me when I was sick. Every time she wiped away my tears when I would fall.

Nothing could represent my gratitude for all the back scratches that helped me sleep soundly at night.

There are no songs that would convey how safe I felt every time she had said, “it’ll be okay.” The simplest of phrases has taken me from complete darkness to light. Even through broken bones. Even through my devastating first breakup. Even through the excruciating pain of one of my best friends passing away.

There are no articles or essays that could voice my appreciation for her. She raised me, putting her entire being into teaching me how to live, teaching me how to become the person I am today, no matter what was happening around us.

There are no poems that could embody how I felt every time she made sacrifices for me. Every time she cleaned up after me, helped me with my homework, cooked for me, and every other time she put her own time and money into making sure I was okay.

There are no stories or books that could exemplify my happiness for all the times we have laughed and played and danced and baked. For all the memories of my childhood and the memories here to come.

There are no shows or movies that could symbolize the honor I have to say that she is my mother. That she is the one, in all her beauty and strength, to raise me.

There is nothing else I could say besides I love my mother because there are no words that express the full extent of that meaning. Luckily, I have a mother who knows what I mean when I say I love her because she loves me just the same.

Kerry, Cleopatra, and Emma, possibly you three writers are able to put into words what I cannot.



What Is Love To You?

Health, travel, and love. My three favorite things.