Is It Normal To Feel Numb In A Relationship?

It’s the low part of the highs and lows.

What Is Love To You?


Photo by kilarov zaneit on Unsplash.

I’m going to be real with you here. Just typing my emotions out and not redoing paragraphs. That’s when you know I’m being genuine. And I’m deciding to post this on What Is Love To You? because I’ll be talking about relationship love and self-love.

I feel numb. I feel lost. Similar to the feeling that the photo above exhibits.

Maybe it’s my relationship. Maybe it’s my diagnosed depression and anxiety. Or maybe it’s both. But I feel numb and just… used to the hurt.

Just recently, I got a new tattoo and a new retouched hairstyle. It was great momentarily. It was meant to get my confidence up. It was meant to cheer me up. It was meant to hype me up. It was meant to be a way to love myself more.

But it didn’t work as well as I thought. The usual jealousy in my relationship took over, and it’s a hurt that constantly bothers me on a daily basis. And lately, it feels like I’m often getting stabbed that I feel hurt, but I’m USED to the hurt; Thus the numb feeling in my mind and heart.

I genuinely don’t know what’s wrong with me. I struggle with self-confidence on a regular basis, and every day is a feeling of loathing when I look at myself in the mirror. It’s just one of those days…

