Is It Really So Wrong to Not Want to Do Long Distance?

Maybe our only option is not to have it. Then again, maybe not!

Shaheer Gharay
What Is Love To You?
5 min readAug 8, 2022


Image by iStockPhoto

The idea of being in a long-distance relationship (LDR) seems unbearable to many people. The thought of not being able to see your partner every day, or not being able to hold them when you want to, is torture. But for some people, LDRs are the only way they can be in a relationship. Reasons for this could be school, work, or military deployment. Whatever the reason may be, LDRs come with their own set of difficulties that make them hard to maintain.

The Time Commitment

A long-distance relationship can be a beautiful thing, but it also requires a lot of work. You have to be able to trust your partner, and you have to be able to communicate well. You also have to be willing to make a time commitment. If you’re not ready for all that work, then a long-distance relationship is not for you.

The Lack of Physical Intimacy

When two people are in a long-distance relationship, they often find themselves missing out on one of the most basic human needs: physical intimacy. This can be difficult, as it can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. While there are many ways to connect with your partner online, nothing can replace the physical connection that you share when you are together. If you are in a long-distance relationship, make sure to schedule a regular phone or video chats, and find other ways to express your love for each other. Don’t let the lack of physical intimacy get in the way of your relationship!

The Lack of Communication

The lack of communication in LDR is often one of the biggest problems. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as not having enough time, not knowing what to say, or feeling like the other person is always busy. In order for a long-distance relationship to work, both parties need to make an effort to communicate with each other regularly. This can involve sending text messages, calling each other on the phone, or even using video chat software like Skype. If one person in the relationship is not communicating enough, it can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. So if you’re in a long-distance relationship, make sure you talk to your partner regularly and share your thoughts and feelings with them.

The Pros of Long-Distance Relationships

For many people, the thought of a long-distance relationship is a dreaded one. They believe that it is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain a healthy relationship when physical distance is involved. However, this is not always the case. There are many pros to long-distance relationships.

Perhaps the biggest pro to long-distance relationships is that they force couples to communicate more effectively. Since there is no physical intimacy or proximity to distractions, couples have to rely on communication to keep the relationship strong. This can be beneficial in terms of learning more about your partner and also strengthening your bond overall.

Another pro to long-distance relationships is that they can actually make partners more committed to each other. When there are challenges and obstacles to overcome, it can make partners appreciate each other more and make them want to work harder at making the relationship work. However, long-distance relationships can also be very challenging in their own way. For instance, when couples are separated by a significant distance, they often have to adjust to different schedules and routines.

The Cons of Long-Distance Relationships

No one ever said that long-distance relationships are easy, but they can be worth it. Although there are many benefits to being in a long-distance relationship, there are also a few downsides.

Here are 3 of the most common cons of long-distance relationships:

1) You can’t always be there for your partner when they need you. This is probably the biggest downside to long-distance relationships. When you’re not able to physically be there for your partner, it can be tough to make them feel better when they’re feeling down.

2) It’s hard to stay connected. When you’re not able to see each other all the time, it can be tough to stay connected. This is especially true if you’re not good at communicating through text or phone calls.

3) You miss out on important moments. This is also the biggest downside to long-distance relationships. You can’t always be there for your partner when they need you. Also, when you’re not able to see each other all the time, it can be tough to stay connected. This is especially true if you’re not good at communicating through text or phone calls.

Is It Really So Wrong to Not Want to Do Long Distance?

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Distance can be a killer when it comes to relationships. The further apart two people are, the harder it becomes to maintain the connection. Sometimes this is simply due to the fact that when you can’t see someone in person, it’s hard to stay emotionally connected. Other times, it might be because one person is always doing all of the work to keep the relationship going while the other person just coasts along. The distance between two people can be a killer when it comes to relationships. Sometimes this is simply due to the fact that when you can’t see someone in person, it’s hard to stay emotionally connected.


There are many reasons why people choose not to do long distances. Maybe they don’t have the time, money, or energy.

Or maybe they just don’t want to be away from their family and friends for long periods of time.

Whatever the reason, we are quick to judge those who don’t want to do long distances. We assume that they are lazy or unambitious. But we should remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to life. What works for us may not work for someone else. So instead of judging those who don’t want to do long distance, let’s try to understand their reasons and respect their choices.

About Author:

Shaheer Gharay, an accomplished author, specializes in writing about self-development and career growth. Through his websites,,, and, he offers valuable insights and guidance to empower individuals on their path to success. Don’t hesitate to reach out for expert advice and inspiration.



Shaheer Gharay
What Is Love To You?

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