Love Can’t Exist Without Trust

Without trust, you’re in for too much pain

Kristina God, MBA
What Is Love To You?


Love Can’t Exist Without Trust. Close up portrait of a handsome couple in love
People photo created by drobotdean —

You may wonder:

Can love exist without trust?

Here’s my answer to this question:

No. Love can’t exist without trust!

I’m careful to whom, and how I give my trust. Trusting makes me vulnerable. My trust is earned and it’s not given.

Here’s why:

My father left the family when I was a child.

My parents got divorced.

I lived with my mother and saw my father only every other week for a few hours.

When an important person, a father figure, lets us down, that effect reverberates through all our relationships.

This experience in early childhood shook my confidence in men in general and in romantic relationships in particular.

Don’t sell yourself short

Famous marriage expert, John Gottman investigated why couples get stuck in ongoing conflict instead of moving on.

He found that the most important issue is trust!

Trust is Number 1.

In my opinion, in a relationship, you have to seed your plants of trust from day one and continually water…



Kristina God, MBA
What Is Love To You?

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