Loving Feelings Liberated

The most tender feelings are liberated

Patricia Pixie❤
What Is Love To You?


Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

Shyness is not an obstacle for two people in love to express their love in a sweet way.

In a single moment, all fears dissipate,
As the sweet love of my soul unveils its weight.
I stand before your gaze, vulnerable and bare,
Clothed only in the love we both share.

Shyness may linger, casting a gentle hue,
Yet within your embrace, safety imbues.
Your arms, a haven where I find solace and peace,
A refuge where inhibitions effortlessly cease.

In your eyes, I witness a world of grace,
A tender sanctuary where my heart finds its place.
With each beat, our souls intertwine,
A dance of intimacy, profound and divine.

No masks adorn our connection’s sweet domain,
As vulnerability becomes our heartfelt refrain.
In your presence, I am free to be,
Unfolding the depths of my authenticity.

In this sacred union, fear has no domain,
For you hold me in love’s gentle terrain.
Together we navigate life’s ebb and flow…



Patricia Pixie❤
What Is Love To You?

Billingual writer/music lover/tarot reader/Interested in the mysteries of the human mind misspatypixie@outlook.com