My Dear Past Self, I Know How Difficult It Was For You

Bravo for still going on and charging forward.

What Is Love To You?


A lady boxer with determined eyes
Photo by wang motret:

My dear past self,

You’re amazing! You met difficulties at every turn of the corner!

You need to overcome your personality challenges; then, you need to build the skills to interact with the world. You need to start from scratch. As all these are supposed to be the ‘build-in’ that comes with our birth. Somehow it’s missing in me, strangely. Maybe because it was due to that traditional abortion drink that mom had, who knows.

Being a hardcore introvert is already challenging enough to change the very core system in you, yet you’re faced with the daunting task of my isolation, which stunts my social skills learning. To make things worse, my little chest deformity and yellowish teeth caused me serious insecurity and eroded my self-confidence.

Lastly, I’m not blessed with very high intelligence. Well, at least it still falls short of being in the elite circle. You were close to it but you failed in the elimination rounds as the competition rose.

This was worsened by the turbulence of my emotions and my not-very-strong physique, almost certainly due to my mom’s traditional abortion drink trying to get rid of me.

It was a vicious cycle that kept repeating itself.

My strength lies in creativity, but it was not being cradled.

You see, I should be someone who’s less ambitious and just lives a very ordinary life rather than dreaming of living a more fulfilling life. But yet ambition dies hard in me. It’s as though in my blood and never really goes away.

My dear past self, this places you in a very difficult situation and dilemma.

Everything in me was going against the perception of being successful in this world.

The formula of success = High EQ + High IQ + High AQ[Adversity Quotient]

Life is never short of adversity and problems; it’s a life skill to know how to solve problems effectively.

Popularity and charisma are very important. Networking is an essential attribute that can’t be canceled.

The relationship between people is run on the concept of mutually beneficial. A lone wolf will never achieve much financially. Someone who is intentionally motivated has a high chance of being successful in all areas of life.

You give something hoping that you can get something in return. The mentality of do not expect anything in return. Only a saint can do that, or it’s not something that you can afford to do every time.

We all have limited time on earth; doing something that will give you the return you wish is a much more pragmatic way of living a fruitful life.

This may sound too negative. The positive way is to look at it as a mutual exchange of values.

Material success never goes to the one who is very pure and not intentionally motivated to want to achieve it unless they are extremely lucky.

The world is made for extroverts and those who are ready to grab any opportunity. The world is for those who act and think fast. Speed is essential.

Being very emotional is a big NO-NO. It will crush your opportunity and drag you down! It’s a monster! You must tame it!

Do know and acknowledge the truth of human nature. Never estimate the ugly sides of human nature. It’s not about good or bad, but it’s just our inborn nature of being human.

No hard feelings; these are just the unspoken rules in this game of life on earth. Treat your life like a video game or any sport where you have to compete in order to win. Hence knowing the rules of the game is of paramount importance.

Don’t fuss about it; this is just what life is all about. Whether you like it or not, you just have to accept it.

My dear past self, you have faced extremely tough challenges and many layers of difficulties!

You encountered numerous hard knocks after 50 years, yet your perseverance still keeps you going. Although you’ve almost given up a few times, you managed to survive till today and get better in some ways!

Your hard work and endurance do pay off!

All these are unthinkable! Only miracles will take you to the place where you are now.

Yes! Miracles do happen! For those who keep going and have faith!

You’re reaping the reward of your perseverance. More blessings to come! Keep it up!

Opportunity is for those who are ready and prepared to work hard and, most importantly, work the right and smart way.

Yes, my dear, you do have a complex life!

I know you’re full of scars and bruises

Bravo! Those are the hallmarks of perseverance!

I know you’ve passed out many times and almost given up!

Bravo! Those become the nutrients of your spirit now!



What Is Love To You?

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