What is Love to You?

My Secret Love for a Boy with a Golden Retriever

A poem about wanting someone, but being too afraid to do anything about it.

Sieran Lane
What Is Love To You?
3 min readMar 8, 2022


In a sunlit park with trees in the background, a young man with black hair laughs as he holds his golden retriever. The dog stands on its hind legs, mouth open with irrepressible joy.
This isn’t my crush, but the photo gives off the right vibe. Image courtesy of DaltonStyle on DepositPhotos

The Misty Mountains are singing
A staunch and lonely tune.
The goblins are banished
And the hobbits are safe and sound,
So why do I feel mournful?
A bridge rises in front of me,
Forming an ark of white light,
As I scythe through the churning water below
Like a restless animal.

Moonbeams dart through the lake,
Just as a felt tip pen would draw
With a pure and noble intention.
Everywhere I hear
Dragonflies, fireflies, things in the undergrowth,
All secretive and strange.
But I don’t feel scared.

Under some shining sapphire sky,
Orange discs sail away from me
As I toss them to your golden retriever,
Your beloved, fluffy Jesse.
The grass beneath our feet is still wet from the rain,
Wet because the sun did not bother to penetrate it.
Bolts of blue silk flow up like cream from the…



Sieran Lane
What Is Love To You?

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect! https://the-transgender-therapist.ck.page/fiction-writing