Ode to Mother Earth

Rian De La Torre
What Is Love To You?
1 min readJul 4, 2023
Photo by Bobby Johnson on Unsplash

Mother Earth, Marvel of Marvels,

The beginning of terrestrial life,

What have they done to you, my mother?

I have sorrowfully witnessed how men

proudly tore strips of your skin,

only to bury you beneath the gray asphalt.

I have seen you bleeding in the endless black abyss of tar.

And you still bleed,

Mother, my soul is also being stained with this bloody-red color,

for I am your daughter, and everything that harms you

harms me too.

Your suffering hurts,

and your joy nourishes me with delight.

I want you to be joyful always,

even though I cannot heal all your wounds,

but I can sing for you and thus, with my voice,

reach the hearts of the men who have forgotten you.

I want them to feel you again,

to hear your whispers once more in the songs of birds,

in the raindrops, on the crest of a wave,

in the heavens above.

I want to be your voice, your conscience, my mother,

so that you may smile again and

we all can smile in peace with you.



Rian De La Torre
What Is Love To You?

I’m an Interpreter, philophy lover and wellness enthusiast who tries to shed some light in people´s life through my writings