Submission Rules

Please read before you submit an article

Robert Ralph
What Is Love To You?


Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Please make sure you read these rules before submitting an article to our publication, it will help us help you, and it only takes a few minutes to read.

This is a new publication, started on the 17th of November 2021, and we already have the experience of running the publication “New Writers Welcome.”

Taking on board lessons we have learned, this publication will run slightly differently, but you will have the same love and dedication.

If you have any questions, then please leave them in the comments section.

Submission rules:

  1. Articles will be accepted in a draft format only
  2. Please run a spell checker before you submit your article
  3. Editor feedback is designed to help you; please respect that
  4. Allow up to 48 hours for your article to get published
  5. You must use a picture and a heading in your article
  6. Use must use “What is love to you” as one of your tags
  7. You must use a “Title, “ a “Subtitle, “ and a credited “Picture” in your article. Please make sure your titles are a maximum of two lines.



Robert Ralph
What Is Love To You?

I am a freelance, top eight writer, and content creator. Connect with me here to receive my free content: