
The Blip In Romance For Valentines Day # 04

Learning about women’s issues from the big momma

What Is Love To You?


Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Names do not represent anyone specifically to the alive or those who had passed away.

Julia stood up and turned to walk to the exit of the restaurant. Salvador followed from behind. They wanted to sit by the seaside and watch the seagulls and boats. They planned to spend their time together in peace. However, that red patch behind her white dress was an emergency sign.

She dressed like an angel — an all-white dress. She was beautiful no matter what the world said. That red spot at her bums area became a distraction to him.

Menstruation blood.

How do I tell without embarrassing her pride? How many people might have noticed? Aaah…That was not good.

Salvador took off his long coat and put it on her shoulder. He walked directly behind her. Her facial expression changed. She asked him what was wrong.

“Hey, no big deal. You dirtied your dress. Let’s go up to our room, “he said.

Luckily the elevator was nearby. There was no one else in the elevator except for themselves. Julia tried to look at what would have happened.

She sighed when she saw the red patch.

She got upset.

Their plans failed.

What an utter disappointment? she thought as she headed to the shower room.

“Salvador…I got another problem here. Do you mind buying me a sanitary pad from any nearby malls?” she asked.

“Sure. In the meantime, you will manage, right?” he asked. He was nervous. He wished to help, yet he did not know what to do.

There was no way he could say ‘No’ to her request. It was an emergency. She was bleeding! he said to himself. At least she told him what to do by asking for a favor.

Do I call the paramedics? He thought while in the elevator earlier. He canceled that idea. What would women do when they saw blood in their pants? He tried to analyze again.

“Yes, I’ll manage… I’ll be okay. By the way, let’s not go out tonight. Let’s just stay in here, do you mind? I did not bring any other dresses…” Julia said.

“Sure, no problem. I’ll come up with something for both of us…but I might take a bit of time. Why don’t you enjoy some time in the jacuzzi tub?” he suggested.

He left for the nearby shopping mall. It was just a traffic light down the street.

Sanitary pad…Sanitary pad…Sanitary pad… he chanted to himself. He must not forget. It was an emergency. He could not imagine her walking around with blood dripping. Urgh. His heartbeat raced faster as he chanted pad… pad… pad!

Photo by Alexander Kovacs on Unsplash

In the mall…

He went into the ladies’ section.

He was the only man there.

There was a huge-sized lady at the counter.

He got nervous.

He walked through the aisle of bras and lacy underwear.

Wow, he thought. He faced the shelf of sanitary pads.

Wait, what brand did she use? He did not ask her. His eyebrows lifted.

Whoa. That was a lot of varieties. Okay… let’s look at what it says on the packages. Slim. Maxi. Super long? He murmured to himself.

He saw women looking at him as they walked past the section. He turned away, pretending to wait for someone from the changing room. He got nearer again to the same shelf. He read quickly.

Wings. Non-wings. What wings? What was with those wings??? He was getting more unsure. He sighed.

It was hard for him to decide. Oh, come on! he said to himself as he scratched his head.

He turned to look at the customers leaving the outlet one-by-one. They looked at him as they walked away. The big-sized lady was tall enough to see that he stood there, looking suspicious. He pretended he was looking at bras. He held the strap of a bra on display, pretending to look for something. He got nervous.

“Are you okay, son?” asked big momma, who tapped his shoulder from behind.

He got shocked. He turned, and his eyes went big. She was tall. And her boobs were big, and he was intimidated. He was so nervous that he began to stutter.

“I’m fine…Yeah…Uhm…I …I …” he could not find the words.

His hands already grabbed the breast cup from the bra on display. He was unaware. Big momma’s eyes look at his hands squeezed the bra’s cup tightly.

Boy, you gonna hurt her like that! Alright. Come on, tell me. What do you need? I will help you with it. Don’t be shy. Or you would like the upcoming customers looking at you, huh?” she asked.

He let go of the bra he squeezed tight when he panicked. He felt embarrassed. He saw her badge stated “Big Momma” as a name tag.

“I need pad, but it is not for me! It is for my valentine…but…I am confused…Which of these…Errr…I am not sure…I have never seen it before…You know …” he tried to calm down.

Big momma smiled.

“Don’t be scared, son. Come. Let me show you the samples. These are how it looked, okay. Here. Small, Maxi, and Super long…just like SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE sizes…based on the size of your love…There you have wings. This one is without wings. Hold these. Touch them. Feel it. Go ahead. Learn something!..” said, big momma.

He was shocked at the samples Big Momma got out from behind the counter.

“Is your woman thin or big-sized like me? Are her hips wide like me? Or petite?” she asked.

He could not resist looking at her hips. Oh wow. Big. No wonder she called herself big momma, he thought for a while. His eyes fixed to her wide round bums. Urgh…2-Hamburgers alike…

“Thin…lean…sexy…” he stuttered as big momma got him back to sense with them.

“Okay, small is just nice. You may want to take with the wings. It will secure to her panties, son…To prevent leakage, you take this one…” winked Big Momma.

Oh…Now I understand he said to himself. He paid for the small and medium packages. Probably, day and nightwear. Why not let Julia choose, rather than having to come back again? His eyes caught sight of another different size. Tiny. He scratched his head.

“That is panty liner…not the same as sanitary pads… I’ll show you…Look at this, small, short, and thin. Not good enough for 1st day and heavy flow…you understand? Towards the end …then perhaps, yes…” she showed him a piece.

He widened his eyes as though he had received another enlightenment. Wow…Women need high maintenance care…he thought.

“Big momma, thanks a lot. I got to rush. Ahhh, it is too crowded. I got to get something else, but I need to get this to her soon. Urgh…I need cake, balloons, wine, movie DVDs for tonight, but…” he sighed.

Another sales assistant reported to work. Big momma was ready to leave. In between the sanitary pad “lessons,” he shared what happened earlier. Big momma nodded with hmmm as though she came up with an idea.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

He raced for the time back to the hotel with the pads. He left his number with a big momma, who spontaneously helped him with the rest of the items needed. He arrived at the hotel room just-in-time as Julia decided to get out of the shower room. She felt too cold soaked in the jacuzzi tub for too long.

“Hey, I got you these….Sorry, I took a bit of time…The rest of the itinerary will come later. Look, Medium or Small? And you don’t mind with wings?…” he was so focused on the items avoiding Julia’s eyes. But he spoke confidently.

Julia looked at him and started to giggle…and then she burst out into laughter. She gave a peck of a kiss on his cheeks and grabbed the small sanitary pad.

“I am sorry for all the trouble. But I thank you…You impressed me, Salvador…” she said.

“Well, I learned a lot today…from a big momma…so it took me some time…you know…at least, I do not need to call the paramedics!” he laughed too.

Embarrassing, but worth it they both thought…

to be continued…

I do wonder if the paramedics ever received calls for such matters, anyway…



What Is Love To You?

Author who wrote about Life in Yemen | Writer on Medium with Random Topics | Catholic by Faith