The complexities of love

Oyelola Oyetunji
What Is Love To You?
3 min readMar 11, 2022


Defining this multi-layered concept.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

What is love?

It’s a question that can’t be answered in a single sentence.

Not all love is the same. From romantic to familial and even platonic, love presents itself in different forms, depending on the nature of the relationship.

There are different types of love, different ways of experiencing love, and different ways of giving and receiving love. Are you overwhelmed just thinking about it? I sure am.

Love is powerful, vulnerable, painful, fulfilling, beautiful, dangerous, and raw. It both strengthens and weakens its subjects.

Love is a force to be reckoned with.

If you asked the next person how they define love, chances are, their perspective of love would differ from yours. Our understanding of love is shaped by our experiences, it’s an elixir of nature and nurture.

Love is complex. It’s a multilayered, multidimensional concept that no human being will ever fully understand.

Defining love is a challenge. It’s no easy task, yet we can try.

The four loves

Renowned author, C.S Lewis, defines love in four categories in his book ‘The Four Loves’. The book explores the nature of love from a Christian and…



Oyelola Oyetunji
What Is Love To You?

Freelance writer, storyteller, poet — love, online dating, musings on life, race, work & chronic illness. Become a member: