The Importance of Physical Touch for Emotional Well-Being

Physical expressions of affection are necessary to build care, trust, and security

Sandy Maximus
What Is Love To You?


Photo by Zoe on Unsplash

Growing up in India, physical touch and public displays of affection (PDA) were not commonplace. You will have to watch a Bollywood movie from the 80s or even the 90s when two lovers run behind a tree or the camera pans to two flowers to imply that the couple was kissing.

Each family differs in their level of conservative values based on their upbringing and their exposure to more western ways of living that are dependent on socioeconomic status, class, and strata in society.

In more conservative households, it is not commonplace to give each other hugs and kisses in interpersonal relationships, be it child-parent, spouse-spouse, or friend-friend equations. This is especially true when the male gender is involved.

Typically, the mothers defaulted to the role of showing love and affection while the fathers assumed the role of provider and protector.

Touch me, touch me not!

In my house, my father used to give me piggyback rides up to my bedroom on the second floor until I was 12 years old. Once I hit puberty, the physical touch was withdrawn. No hugs, no kisses, and no…



Sandy Maximus
What Is Love To You?

An academic, a mother, and a wanna-be writer with interests from travel to tennis, personal stories, and life lessons.