The Most Romantic Thing Anyone Has Done For Me

Love seeps through in the littlest of things.

Human Hobbes
What Is Love To You?
2 min readAug 26, 2022


Photo by Harshit Mahabale on Unsplash

Time: 1.30 am
Bengaluru, India

It was past midnight. The evening had turned frosty. My Boyfriend and I hadn’t planned to stay out this long. I was wearing a T-shirt and a half-sheer palazzo. (Point being — I was freezing myself off. Because of our unexpected change in plans.)

We sat down at a very expensive place for tea. (As that was the only place open at this hour. And chai/tea was the cheapest item available on their menu.)

We could only afford one cup. The second would have been a splurge. I looked at the steaming hot cup of tea.

I’ve never really been a tea person. Yet, the chill in my bones nudged me to take a small sip from the teacup. Hmmm. This feels nice and warm.

My Boyfriend looked at me from the corner of his eye.

See, the thing about us is: He savors chai — sip by sip. It’s his daily dose addiction. For me, it’s just another beverage.

I hurriedly glanced at him and signaled if I could drink the tea he had ordered. He nodded.


He let me have the whole cup! (He was cold too and he loves chai, yet he let me have all of it.)

His sacrifice — I will never forget it.

There are boys who will promise you the moon and stars, would treat you to swanky car rides, and shower you with expensive gifts.

But will they let me have the only cup of chai on a chilly night?

Because — the refuge in the freezing night, when I wore his sweater and drank his chai — that’s what I truly care about.



Human Hobbes
What Is Love To You?

Wander and wonder. I write to soothe, myself and you.