To Love

Is divine

Morgan Muirhead
What Is Love To You?
1 min readNov 26, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

People always talk about falling in love

Like it’s some uncontrollable thing

I didn’t fall. I walked

Cautiously at first and then practically sprinting

I ran into love as if the universe spurred me one

And made you perfect for me

I strive to be at least half as good for you

I saw your smile, and it’s as if a hand clutched my heart

Love as vast as the ocean grown from a tiny seed

You planted that seed the moment we met

And it became larger every time I saw you

Your smile small and shy that grows larger

Your laugh that fills me with joy

Your eyes and face each part of you draws me in deeper

Every time I learn more about you, it only feeds my thirst to know more

I love the way you read, and you smile

when you think no one is looking

I love the way we match and contrast

I hope one day you might feel the same



Morgan Muirhead
What Is Love To You?

A modern witch and freelance writer who writes weird poetry