What do I Love to do on Weekends?


Writer's Dream
What Is Love To You?
3 min readJun 25, 2023


Things that i love to do on weekend.
Photo by Jessica Mangano on Unsplash

When I searched for an image for the article, the one I have attached is the appropriate version of what I love to do on the weekends — staying close to nature and doing what I love to do.

I have become a fan of Ghibli music.

It has a calm and magical vibe to my mind on the weekends.

Now let me tell you what I want to do on the weekends, and if the universe allows, I will do that for the rest of my life.

My weekend story

I will wake up without an alarm. It is a relaxing way to start the day.

I will drag the day as much as I can.

I will be lazy and the most unproductive.

Writing and journaling

But the first thing that I will do are

  1. Creative journalling
  2. Online writing


As I grow old, I have understood two primary life ingredients that are a must to live your life and not just survive.

And these are-

  1. Find out activities/work you love(and not what you need to do ). Spend more time doing these activities that fill your heart with love and joy.
  2. Figure out the relationships with whom you share a soul connection. Spend time with them. Rest all are maintenance work.

Connecting with your heart’s desire is the main ingredient for a joyful life.

The more we are in touch with our true selves, the happier we become.

When I do some creative work, I feel at peace with myself. It takes me to some Ghibli land where everything is so magical.

Well, what does magical mean to me?

It is a place or state of mind where I can do everything, whatever my heart wants.

I don’t realize how time flows during my craft/writing time.

Day turns to afternoon, the afternoon turns to the evening, and then darkness. But I still want to do what I want to do.

Below is a journal that I have done recently.

designed in canva.com

Sunset Watching

The other thing I love to do on the weekend is watch the sunset.

I take my coffee mug, grab my favorite place in the room and watch out my window.

I had grown fond of the sky during my stay with my parents.

When nothing goes my way, I can look up and assume somebody is holding me from falling.

Now, I can see the sky from my bedside window.

It is a beautiful cosmic experience to see the sky color-changing during the sunset.

  • It calms down my chattering mind.
  • It teaches me to let go of what is not in my control.
  • It teaches me to trust my intuition.
  • It teaches me to follow my heart.
  • The sky seems to whisper that the universe has my best interest even when my limited belief thinks everything is going otherwise.


After the sunset, I go for a one-hour walk.

It is a total game-changer.

Walking has so many benefits. The ones which I feel almost immediately are -


Less stiffness in body joints

Clarity in thought

Less anxiety

After a walk, I love to do some pending work if I have.

Then, there are long hours on the phone with family.

For a happy life, we need to realize who is ours truly. The soul connection with our loved ones makes our lives meaningful.

Love and soul connection are the very essence of life.

I love to close the weekends by cooking simple dishes.


To summarise, my perfect weekend is simple. It is about getting in touch with your heart’s desire. It can be the activities or the people you love.

The idea is to get into a deep conversation with them to express who you are. And NOT how the world wants to see you.

