When The Years Seem To Just Go By

A blink of an eye and here we are!

Jigsz Nietes Satapornvanit
What Is Love To You?
2 min readDec 16, 2021



December 17 is our wedding anniversary. Guess how many years we have been married.

It was one sunny afternoon in December, 27 years ago that my husband (Key) and I had our wedding ceremony. It was not in a church, rather it was in an auditorium on the campus where we were working. We had a Christian wedding service. Key is a Thai and I am a Filipina. Both of us are Christians. It was a truly multi-cultural event, owing to the fact that we were both working at an international organization.

We had a simple and solemn ceremony officiated by an American minister. The pianist was his wife (Canadian). Our principal sponsors were a Filipino couple, a Malaysian friend, and the Thai pastora from Key’s home church in Bangkok. Our best man was Key’s best friend (Thai) and our Maid of Honor was my sister. The rest of the entourage and our guests came from different countries. The choir was from the Bangkok church and a duet was sung by my younger sister and a Filipino friend.

The venue itself (the auditorium for the ceremony and a function room for the reception) was managed by a Malaysian-Australian friend who assured us he would take care of everything. We also knew the staff personally so it made things easier to coordinate.

My parents travelled from the Philippines for our wedding. Two of my sisters were already here with me. So I was happy that I had family in a foreign land. Although it would have been better if all of my siblings came but some were still not able to come that time. Key’s parents travelled from their province in the eastern part of Thailand, his brother flew in from Singapore, and his 2 sisters from Bangkok, came to attend and be part of the ceremony. And we had our church family and friends and colleagues who were present so it was a great event.

That was 27 years ago and yet things are still as clear as though it happened only recently.

Thank God for love! Thank God forever. Through good times and bad times, we have each other, forevermore! As friends! As lovers! Here’s to us and for many more years of discovering, learning, giving and loving!



Jigsz Nietes Satapornvanit
What Is Love To You?

Writer. Entrepreneur. Gender and Development Consultant. Researcher. Teacher. Friend.