When Trauma Flashbacks Kick You In The Butt, Make Crêpes!

Because If Nothing Else, I Am Enough For Myself!

Binky Ink Writing
What Is Love To You?
4 min readNov 24, 2022


My Improvised Self Care Crêpes.

Today has been full of emotional challenges, some of which I won’t get into, but needless to say, Trauma Voice, whom I like to call Fear Voice, has been kicking my butt.

Living with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ain’t easy. It is a trauma-based response, once which I have been healing from A LOT.

Who Is Fear Voice

Fear Voice is the voice of trauma that perpetuates the brainwashing and abuse that I lived. It can be things from childhood trauma, it can be minute things too, things that hurt me even if just briefly, and it can be everything my abuser would tell me and do to me. That is why Fear Voice is a “he.”

Source Voice

Source Voice is the voice of the Inner Guide, the voice that counters fear and trauma, the voice of reassurance. I’ve given Source Voice a personality. She is a pink plush hippo (yes, I’m really just a kid deep down) and she does a great job at countering Fear Voice at a 99.999% accuracy rate.

“Listen to Source because she knows best!”

