Why Don’t Men Put A High Priority On Relationships?

(And How You Can Reverse This)

Jesse Edison
What Is Love To You?
4 min readJun 1, 2023


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Men’s behavior is often a subject of fascination due to their paradoxical approach to relationships and involvement in conflicts.

Decoding their psychology is a topic of interest for researchers and scholars.

This post explores the various influences on men’s motivations and behavior.

Evolutionary psychology and its role in men’s behavior

Evolutionary psychology provides a theoretical framework for understanding men’s physical and emotional behavior.

According to this perspective, men’s behavior is shaped by their evolutionary history, which has been characterized by competition and aggression.

Men are biologically wired to compete with each other for resources and mates. This competitive drive can lead to aggressive behavior, as men seek to establish dominance and protect their interests.

However, it is important to note that evolutionary psychology does not provide a justification for violent or harmful behavior.

Rather, it helps us understand why men are more likely to engage in certain behaviors, and how we can reduce the negative effects of these behaviors.

The warrior gene and its impact on aggressive behavior

One genetic factor that has been linked to men’s behavior is the presence of the warrior gene, also known as the MAOA gene.

This gene is associated with the production of an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

Low levels of serotonin and dopamine have been linked to aggressive behavior, as these neurotransmitters play a key role in regulating mood and behavior.

However, it is important to note that the presence of the warrior gene does not necessarily mean that an individual will engage in violent or aggressive behavior.

Other factors, such as environmental influences and upbringing, can also play a significant role in shaping behavior.

The role of testosterone in men’s behavior

Testosterone is a hormone that is primarily produced in men’s testes. This hormone plays a key role in shaping men’s behavior, particularly with regard to aggression and dominance.

Studies have found that men who have higher levels of testosterone are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior, as well as to seek out positions of power and authority.

However, it is important to note that testosterone is not the sole determinant of men’s behavior.

Other factors like environmental influences and personal values also impact behavior.

The paradox of men’s behavior in relationships

One of the most aspects of men’s behavior is their approach to relationships.

On the one hand, men are often portrayed as being emotionally distant and uncommunicative.

On the other hand, men are also expected to be providers and protectors, and to take an active role in their family’s lives.

This can create a great deal of confusion for men, as they try to navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions.

Many men may feel pressure to conform to traditional gender roles, while also struggling to express their emotions and connect with their partners.

Attachment theory and its relevance to men’s behavior

Attachment theory provides a useful framework for understanding men’s behavior in relationships.

According to this theory, our early experiences with attachment figures (usually our parents) shape our expectations and behaviors in relationships throughout our lives.

Men who have had secure attachments in childhood are more likely to form healthy and fulfilling relationships, while those who have had insecure attachments may struggle with intimacy and emotional expression.

Understanding attachment theory can help men become more aware of their own attachment style, and work to develop more secure and fulfilling relationships.

The impact of societal norms on men’s behavior

Societal norms and expectations significantly influence men’s behavior, often promoting strength, stoicism, and leadership.

These expectations can pressure men to conform while expressing emotions and forming meaningful relationships.

However, societal norms are not fixed and can be improved by evolving understanding of gender and masculinity.

Redefining masculinity and its impact on men’s behavior

Redefining masculinity is an important step in promoting healthy and fulfilling behavior in men.

Rather than adhering to traditional gender roles and stereotypes, we can work to create a more expansive and inclusive definition of masculinity that allows men to express their emotions and form meaningful relationships.

This can involve challenging traditional expectations of what it means to be a man, and promoting alternative models of masculinity that emphasize empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligence.

By redefining masculinity in this way, we can create a more equitable and fulfilling world for men and women alike.

Practical tips for men to navigate their behavior in relationships.

There are several actionable tips that men can follow to promote healthy and fulfilling behavior in their relationships.

These tips include:

  • Communicate openly and honestly with your partner.
  • Work to develop emotional intelligence and empathy.
  • Challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes
  • Seek out support and guidance from trusted friends and family members!
  • Practice self-care and self-compassion By following these tips, men can navigate the complexities of relationships in a healthy and fulfilling way.


Understanding men’s behavior is crucial for promoting healthy, fulfilling behavior and creating a more equitable world.

This article offers valuable insights into the paradox of men’s behavior, urging us to work together to create a world where men can express emotions, form meaningful relationships, and live fulfilling lives.



Jesse Edison
What Is Love To You?

Proud Word Nerd. Self-Help blogger. 25 years old. Currently in Australia.