You Don’t Have To Cheat To Lose Your Partner

A good person doesn’t always mean a good boyfriend for you

Achu Selvi
What Is Love To You?
2 min readJun 23, 2023


Photo by author

Ever wondered what’s wrong with this relationship? Ever wondered if it’s our own or our partner’s problem? Ever wondered what went wrong even though he or she is a good person?

It can happen! Maybe you simply have different relationship goals, or you don’t have enough experience in this field, or it could be that you just aren’t good for each other! The causes are so many…

It takes a lot of effort, sacrifice, and being ready to invest your time, only if you are sure it’s worth trying, to make a relationship work. You can’t simply think that your relationship will just go with the flow of your life.

Even when you think your partner has some good sides, it won’t work out when you can’t find a common ground to move forward together in your relationship. If you want to have a future with your partner, but your partner is only interested in dating to have an experience or vice-versa, then that could be a factor that separates you two.

But is that all? Lack of good communication, disrespect, and confused feelings towards your partner can also lead to heartbreak. If you take a step forward but immediately go four steps backward, it can question your sincerity.

I always thought about what went wrong in my relationship. I blamed him and I blamed myself. After months of going through every phase of our relationship, I finally realized.

Was he a good person?
Was he a good boyfriend to me?

Maybe for someone else who shares the same thoughts as him, he could be a better partner. But he was not at all the boyfriend I always wanted to have. And that’s why, although we are friends now, I won’t reconsider a romantic relationship with him.

A person who makes you anxious, stressed, and confused is definitely not meant for you. Give priority to your mental health. Consider that a good person can’t always be a good partner.



Achu Selvi
What Is Love To You?

Wanna be a journalist, but trying to figure out what I am good at