Zaijoo’s Horror!

Zaijoo is a famous celebrity and handsome prince of splendor in Fairyland!

What Is Love To You?


And, Miss Fairy loves Halloween and confesses her love to Zaijoo on this day!

Zaijoo looks ceremoniously handsome in black

He is the sparkler who sparkles in dark in black hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Don’t be scared It’s Zaijoo’s horror

Just forget about Tom, Dick, and Jack

Zaijoo’s looks are to die for in dark, in black

Girls are leaving classes and giving a bunk

To watch this dangerously handsome hunk

Look at him, it’s Zaijoo’s horror

Of handsome, beautiful shower

Don’t look at him if you don’t have power

Zaijoo is a very dangerous grabber

Who grabs his viewers

Zaijoo is a conqueror

Who conquers his viewers

Zaijoo is a stealer

Who steals away hearts

Zaijoo is a robber

Who robs the hearts!

Zaijoo is a lady killer

Who kills with his killing looks and

killing charisma In dark in black

Zaijoo looks ceremoniously handsome in black

He is the sparkler who sparkles in black

Hoooooooooooooooooo Don’t be scared,

it’s Zaijoo’s horror of his handsome, beautiful shower

Don’t look at him if you don’t have power

Girls look at him and shiver

They can’t bear his handsomeness and quiver

Girls get stunned with fright

When he wears black in the dark, in night

He looks handsomely dangerous

Extremely royal and marvelous

Don’t panic looking at his handsome beauty

He looks best magical and such a cutie

Miss states laughs strangely and ask my boy

Tell me what is love to you? Are you coy?

Zaijoo says Why should I tell you?

I know you love me

And you know I love you!

Zaijoo looks ceremoniously handsome in black

He is a sparkler who sparkles in dark, in black


Don’t be scared It’s Zaijoo’s horror

Of his handsome, beautiful shower

Don’t look at him if you don’t have power

When Zaijoo stares with lonely and passionate eyes

It is scaring girls and giving them fright

When Zaijoo shies and averts his eyes

It pleases all the girls and makes them bright

Zaijoo looks hot, wildly wild

But like a prince and so mild

Girls faint when he smiles.

Zaijoo looks ceremoniously handsome in black

He is the sparkler who sparkles in black


Don’t be scared Sweeties,

it’s our Zaijoo’s horror

Of his handsome, beautiful shower

Don’t look at him if you don’t have power

I would like to dedicate this poem and tag dear friend Margie Willis who is a big fan and lover of Halloween and my dear friends Jennifer Thompson who has always been a big support for me here and also one more writer Hein V who is known for his spectacular articles about human behavior on medium.

With love




What Is Love To You?

Author of 15 books on Kindle,A poet, creative fiction writer and blogger catch me at